Truck is totaled

Rat Rods Rule

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If they try to screw you over tell them how bad you neck and back felt after the accident. Sign the medical release after you see the check for your vehicle. If they try to play dirty so can you.
If they try to screw you over tell them how bad you neck and back felt after the accident. Sign the medical release after you see the check for your vehicle. If they try to play dirty so can you.

Yeah... I think my back's really hurtin' too. Better go see the Doc pronto... ask for the good pain pills... haha!!! [ddd[ddd[ddd

First of all, glad you are ok, that could have been really bad. Cars can be replaced, people can't. Must have been a scarey ride.

Insurance companies have a tough time understanding OUR cars. If you have a 2012 something or other, they can look in their computer and figure out what it is worth, but when they look at our old cars they see junk. Even guys with nicely painted and restored old cars get lowballed.

I hope you fare ok in the negotiations, and it is in your favor that you were hit from behind. Just stick to your guns and threaten to lawyer up if they don't treat you fairly. Or call 1-800-ASK-GARY ! :D

Just talked to his insurance. They are taking full responsibility. Gonna send out a guy to give value of the truck..

In the real estate biz we used comps to support the selling prices of homes. I suggest you do the same... get on CL & daBay & show the insurance guy those when he comes out! I guarantee he knows nothing about classic car values!

Keep in mind the adjusters job is to protect his company. It's your job to present a reasonable & intelligent case as to the valve of your car.

He's not your friend but he's also NOT your enemy. :)

That said treat him like he was your friend. Respect goes a long way in negotiations. Be prepared to educate him and present a fair market price on replacement or repair +10%. He's going to low ball not unlike a used Car salesman. Don't be upset, be ready with your response of why you need "X" amount. Then let him "win" the +10%. Everyone walks away a winner (basically).
If you have photos of your build, get them into a laptop or show them to he adjuster what time and money you spent on putting it together.

weld on..........[;)
Keep in mind the adjusters job is to protect his company. It's your job to present a reasonable & intelligent case as to the valve of your car.

He's not your friend but he's also NOT your enemy. :)

That said treat him like he was your friend. Respect goes a long way in negotiations. Be prepared to educate him and present a fair market price on replacement or repair +10%. He's going to low ball not unlike a used Car salesman. Don't be upset, be ready with your response of why you need "X" amount. Then let him "win" the +10%. Everyone walks away a winner (basically).

Good advice. Don't mention "Lawyer" unless they are totally unreasonable in their offer. You are not bound to accept their offer, and they are not bound to offer you a high price. Copies of eBay and Craigslist ads of similar vehicles in a price range you think is fair are good to back up your side. You may want to keep the truck and rebuild it or use the useable parts on something else, if so, you can negotiate a price with that in mind, being upfront that you would like to keep it. Just don't let them total it if you do plan on keeping it, in many states you cannot rebuild a totaled vehicle or a vehicle with a totaled title.
General info......One thing you can do to help your cause is when your rod is first built spend the money ( usually 2 to 3 Hundred dollars) for a good appraisal of your car. then if its wrecked you have proof of value set before any accident.
In years past I have informed a car owner that the damage to my bike from his car would be paid in full by his insurance. and any outstanding money I would visit him at his home to collect. This I told the driver at the time of the accident. the guy went to bat for me with his insurance Co. when they only wanted to pay 60% of the damages. you need to be careful when using this tactic as some law types will frown on it, but not care when insurance co rip you off. good luck
I like dougs approach. And to post pictures with an iPhone click on the paperclip next to the smiley face and load some pictures. image.jpgthis man approves this message
I diliberatley jumped a curb to hit a guy in My 64 and ran into a 7-11 after the steering linkage broke. Most accidents have been my fault in my old cars. Lots of people hit my 04 cummins for some reason though. Maybe karma? Oh, the guy I was trying to hit with my truck beat the hell outta my lil brother 5 minutes prior. I'm not a complete nutcase, there was a reason.
I had mine appraised and the appraiser sent me 2 hard copies and a pdf that I gave to my insurance co. They were surprised on the value based on the visual rust look of the car but after reading the report the value of the new parts added up. I was also surprised since the appraiser is not really a fan of ratrods.
truck it totaled

In some states you can get the insurance money than buy it back . My brother had a guy back in to his S 10 bed . Insurance totaled the truck . Bought it back . Put a good bed on it than sold it .

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