Wow torchman, thats awsome. What is your proffesion? (If you don't mind me asking?)
I'm a crook [cl
lol no really I'm a carpenter and trucker because I like to work outdoors.
I never ceased study after graduating from high school I probably read 2-4 hours a day some of it is worth knowing.
My gramps and my mom used to buy me books and if I got stumped on a word "they'd say dictionaries over there" then if I couldn't figure something out they'd help me.
I got trained to self educate.
I was reading wind in the willows, lord of the rings, Tarzan, Louis L amour and Zane grey when I was like 8-12.
I had some "freinds" suck me into a crime wave back when I was 18 and went to jail for a bit. I got real interested in the law then, not to get away with anything. I was having trouble with my conscience and when I heard they were looking for me I had to come clean and take what I had coming to get on solid ground, to get my feet in justice.
There is no winning any battle if your not on righteous ground with your feet on Gibraltar.
Before the thieving rampage I had a chip on my shoulder, societal debts to settle. I had been victimized and knew something was drastically wrong from the top down but couldn't see what so I was striking back.
It wasn't about taking anything to have it, it was just terrorism and trying to tear this filthy crooked world a new one.
I had to give up that fight I ended up just spreading the love, not getting even.
But the world is still messed up and I'm beginning to understand it, not that I can do anything about it.
Really I was just doing unsanctioned cop work without a warrant lol.
I had an old timer in the joint tell me young people reach an age when they can see the world is f'ed up. Some it doesn't effect, some don't care but some feel they have to do something. Some do the right thing, some get off in the wrong direction. sometimes all you can do to make things right is just take what you got coming and get turned around." He also said some people are destined for great things but only you can make the decisions that cause it to be great evil or great good.
Looking back if I had not gone the wrong way I probably would have fallen into the system fallen asleep and been corrupted by it like most others.
There is an underlying clarity to the law but it is corrupted with overtones of malpractice. Judges rule, legislators legislate, enforcers enforce at times unlawfully out of lack of education or because of moderately adequate but not excellent education. or even because of education itself misrepresenting the facts. The water gets muddied by all the concessions and trespass justified by mistake or for political expediency such as getting elected or incarcerating more bad guys. When Enforcers,Judges and Legislators malpractice the end result is legal precedence that becomes far removed from justice and the system needs a gross correction.
So the answer to the problem is to sound the depths of our ideology, examine the roots of our laws, come to understand it simply and clearly and then restore the ideology to practice by writing a book, making speeches,running for office. By engineering a just, sound and unassailable platform then promoting it if the people will endorse it.
being a reformer not a terrorist