Thanks fellas! It has been a blast. I have had it on the road about a month. I have another VW sitting in my driveway I am doing mild custom for my wife. The roadster stays indoors. I had a delivery the other day. The driver saw the VW in the driveway (garage was closed) and asked if I was into VWs. He went on to comment about this "sick" grey roadster VW he has seen running around recently. I let him rave about how cool it was and how he had never seen anything like it for about 10 minutes. When he said, "I would sure like to see that thing up close and tell the guy how sweet that car is" ... then I openned the garage. That was cool.
This is a picture of my 10 yr old welding them up... he welded up all the top caps (no kidding). I used 3 pieces to do it (2 sides and one top flat piece).