I should be working up the garden spot, We still have some frost on the windshield in the mornings. Someone tried stealing gas out of the 1950 Massey, there was only about 1 1/2 gallons in the tank so they pulled all the wiring loose and I haven't figured out where they all go.
Has anybody ever put sugar in the gas to mess up the theives engines. Does it really work to seize an engine with carbon?
we went to a free garden seminar, the guy sold trace minerals and the formula on how to mix your own fertilizer. we raised the best cabage and broccalie ever. The guy had built and underground system to use geothermal heat for his greenhouse. I have a backhoe so when we get our retirement duplex done might try one. Youtubes at LDSPREPPER. He is about 35 miles south of us. The last few years we have had a bad spring freeze that killed all the blossoms on our 25 fruit trees.
here;s a youtube of how he built the air heating system