What are some teaching their kids?

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2018
Lately I have been hearing "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree stories" about brats that do something wrong, and the parents back the brat up and accuse you of some kind of disrespect of their precious one....

So yesterday evening I take the Chev to my favorite pub at happy hour, coldest draft beer in town. (Driving the Chev gives me an excuse to go there, going there gives me an excuse to drive it..)

So at that time of day I always get a parking spot right in front by the window, where I can sip and watch the goings ons. This woman with two kids comes out of the barber shop next door, and I see the one getting into the front passenger side of this nice SUV throw his trash, a used lolipop stick and wrapper into my open drivers side.

So I go out as she is starting up and gently tap on the window and she puts it part way down, and I say that my car is not a dumpster. She asks what do I mean..I tell her I just saw her kid toss his trash in my window. She says, without checking with him, that he did no such thing. It took me three times to tell her I just watched him through that big window right there, and I ask the kid did you do that..he sheepishly slowly nods. Mom says ok so??

Well are you going to correct that?

This is where I would have scolded my child and said you shouldn't do that and apologize and all would have been fine. Instead she puts the window back up and backs out. I reach in my car and toss the kids trash onto her hood as she drives off. Maybe not the right thing to do...but I was a little annoyed at that 'tude and halfway through my second cold one.

I have to agree with you. My kids were taught better. If i was still drinking I might have done worse than throw the trash on the hood. It may have gone in the car through a window, broken or not. Good thing I quit drinking.
My 2 cents....
It’s not just kids these days.
It’s a general overall lack of manners.
Kids learn from adults. Chances are the parents are the same way.
Things like this( and others) are way I don’t really care to leave the homestead much theses days.
Join the club. As a little back ground I work for the high way department in the town I live in. The other day I was cleaning catch basins with the sub contractor the town hires. I was in the street in a development when a car flies by me missing me by inches. When the car comes back at me at a speed. I stop her and politely ask her to slow down when she see someone working in the road. her replies was she was just trying to drive in a snotty attitude. I explained to her I was just trying to stay alive. She just laughed and sped away. People don't seem to care about any one but themselves nowadays.
My parents would whip my ass on the spot, in front of you and anybody else who cared to watch. Then, I'd have to apologize, clean your car and maybe cut your lawn for a month. :p

Seriously, I wouldn't even think of doing that and my kids wouldn't dream of it either. I don't have any grandchildren yet, but I expect them to be taught and respectful as well... if not, I'll whip all their *****!

Apple from the tree, indeed...

Hey kenny... maybe you should drink on the job! :eek:

Here, we have laws and major fines for speeding past a maintenance crew, emergency vehicles, or any other roadside activity that puts people in harm's way.

My parents would whip my ass on the spot, in front of you and anybody else who cared to watch. Then, I'd have to apologize, clean your car and maybe cut your lawn for a month. :p

Seriously, I wouldn't even think of doing that and my kids wouldn't dream of it either. I don't have any grandchildren yet, but I expect them to be taught and respectful as well... if not, I'll whip all their *****!

Apple from the tree, indeed...


amen to that...

We rent out 5 holiday apartments on our property... I`ve seen a few :rolleyes: from dumping my pavement down my water well to opening the gate to see where my cows will run to, or throwing rocks to my chickens while they sit next to my car.... I start to articulate really clearly and make sure they hear while pulling ears long... Most times I`m the a$$hole afterwards [S
My parents would whip my ass on the spot, in front of you and anybody else who cared to watch. Then, I'd have to apologize, clean your car and maybe cut your lawn for a month. :p

Seriously, I wouldn't even think of doing that and my kids wouldn't dream of it either. I don't have any grandchildren yet, but I expect them to be taught and respectful as well... if not, I'll whip all their *****!

Apple from the tree, indeed...


Our parents must have grown up together, the same would have happened to me. My kids wouldn't have done it either for the same fear. The grand kids that's another story, my kids have there hands tied as far as disciple is concerned, it all starts in the schools.
With respect, Dozer... the schools can't discipline, but I can.

My son once said, "I'll call Child Services!" Guess where he got that stupid notion? School.

I said, "If you think your life is so rotten here, try living in a shelter. I'll make the call for you." :p

With respect, Dozer... the schools can't discipline, but I can.

My son once said, "I'll call Child Services!" Guess where he got that stupid notion? School.

I said, "If you think your life is so rotten here, try living in a shelter. I'll make the call for you." :p


I went through the same thing Doc, but its different for parents nowadays. Twice in the last three years my middle son has had CPS at his house for interrogations and inspections because he had to do a little discipline at home that was nothing near what we experinced as kids.
I think it started around the time parents stopped teaching their kids to say "Yes Sir", "No Sir, Yes Ma'am, No Ma'am! You never heard kids say that any more, it's called respect!

My parents would whip my ass on the spot, in front of you and anybody else who cared to watch. Then, I'd have to apologize, clean your car and maybe cut your lawn for a month. :p

Seriously, I wouldn't even think of doing that and my kids wouldn't dream of it either. I don't have any grandchildren yet, but I expect them to be taught and respectful as well... if not, I'll whip all their *****!

Apple from the tree, indeed...


Yeah, my parents were the same way. We did right......or got the leather belt.....

With respect, Dozer... the schools can't discipline, but I can.

My son once said, "I'll call Child Services!" Guess where he got that stupid notion? School.

I said, "If you think your life is so rotten here, try living in a shelter. I'll make the call for you." :p


My oldest tried that once. We had to go into the DHR office, they already knew what a problem the kid was at that age from school reports. They got my side of the story, I told them to their faces, if they could do any better, take him. They changed their tune right quick like and got him conselluling.
Didn't help, he ended up being a dopehead criminal, but it was because he wanted to, not because of how he was raised.
I was only beat once. It started in 1952 and ended when I moved out.

I also went to Catholic school, where we gave the nuns nicknames based on their cruelty. Then, a year and a half of Catholic high school for boys, which was occupied by several inner city gangs and disciplined by a priest that was a former boxer in the navy, yielding two yard sticks taped together with nickels in between.

The after school detention, where I spent most of my second year, was called "Jug"...two hours of sitting completely motionless under the gaze of Father Brandon. If you did anything but, you were hauled up and given the choice of ten whacks across the back of the thighs with said weapon or ten more days of Jug.

Woe to the one that decided to take the ten days, because that was the only time that the entire inmate population was allowed by Father Brandon to jeer and call the snowflake out for being...whats the word... begins with a "P" and has something to do with a cat....plus face the wrath of a gang member or two.

So! I never budged in Jug, never had to face that choice...and ended up in public school instead...thank the Lord....

THIS is what a lot of kids could use to build real character in my humble opinion...has served me well.
I've got a son and daughter 2 years apart in age. At 13 my son thought he would mouth his mom, after I explained respect to him, somehow he ended up with a split lip :rolleyes: my daughter made a comment she was calling the CPS so I handed her the phone and told her to get to it cause, they need a slit lip too. She decided against it [ddd
Never had to do it again [ddd
I don't ever remember being beaten. I can't remember being hit with the yard stick but it must have happened because if we were acting up my mom would say she was going to get it and we would straighten right out. I do remember leaving a store once with my mom holding one of my hands high enough that my tip toes just touched the ground. Her other hand was on my behind. As far as talking back or showing disrespect. Soap doesn't good at all and it was applied with force. I was smart enough to not make the same mistake twice because I was told next time would be worse and there was no doubt in my mind that she wouldn't carry through.
I was reading with interest, the stories about the CPS threats by children. I am thinking with the new culture of discipline and fears of CPS, this may hamstring some parents. But for the most part, kids need to learn consequences for bad actions early. The spare the rod quote makes perfect sense.

That doesn't mean you strap the kid to a tree trunk and start whacking, or waterboard your child. It means, in my opinion, that they need early discipline, a consequence, for doing something not acceptable in society, at the age between 2 and 6, to teach BASIC right from wrong.

The only alternative would be a sociopathic narcissist. And lately I am seeing a lot of that in this country.

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