"What I Have Learned During This Build"

Rat Rods Rule

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Brother Rat
Oct 11, 2008
Dixon, IA
ANNAMEL posted this in his build and it gave me a chuckle but also made me think - a "What I have Learned During This Build." post should be required in each build thread. :D

On this build being my first there are some things i have found that may be helpfull on the next. Live and learn
1 Dont cut the a post at the LEAD Body filler area
2 Dont cut to much off the top of the door frame
3 Remove all interior pieces before you start to CUT
4 Make enough cut to get the metal to do what you want it to do. Dont beat it with a BFH
5 Do both A post the SAME
When you stretching the metal make thing slicesWhen you squeezing the metal make thick cut
For the most part it is coming along Thanks for the support
Mine would be:

What I Have Learned (So Far) During This Build
by Sam Fear

1. Do not get impatient when stitch welding - warped panels take a lot more time to fix.
2. Don't forget to raise the cab back off the frame before welding in the floor panels - hot metal bends under the weight!
3. Remember to finish cleaning up the back of the metal patch BEFORE welding it in.
4. Figure out clearance issues and hinge placement BEFORE welding shut the door frame area. (Actually it's my tailgate.)
5. Cut the patch bigger than you think it needs to be. (I'm a woodworker - I should know better)
6. Metal work/body work is a blast!!! (my F100 bed fab has been practice for my coming Olds project)

And a few things I re-learn all the time.
7. Yep, that's still hot.
8. My face shield is not a welding helmet!
9. I really don't know what I'm doing, even if I think I do!
10. Read and ask questions.

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