I forgot I was picking up a BBC iron cylinder head from the machine shop. I figured they wouldn't put racks on the bike if they didn't want me to haul stuff right?
I forgot I was picking up a BBC iron cylinder head from the machine shop. I figured they wouldn't put racks on the bike if they didn't want me to haul stuff right?
Can't find the pics of me hauling a welder, Argon tank, fridge, fridge & solar panel, or the other crazy stuff I've hauled "ON" the bike but heres a couple of my trailering adventures
Okay not exactlly an odd hauling device, but given the load, it may qualify, my 16' car trailer hauling 25' machine skid and crating material, my 15 year olod, 6'2' 195 lb. son how in his own words "ain't afraid of sh!t" was pretty nervous as we made the 25 mile trip at a whopping 30 mph MAX!
This is not me however a buddy of mine took this pic the other day at the equipment company of someone else.
It's a 750 Case dozer the ol boy loaded on a dual axle single wheel trailer with a 6" I-beam gooseneck and pulled it with a 1 ton Dodge dually.
He said the main rails moved up and down 10" as he went over dips in the road!!
This is Hillbilly move!
I dont have a picture, but mine would have to be a bicycle, rode 2 miles o the parts store to buy a new carb, fuel lines and spark plugs/wires, and some tools and other goodies. the parts store guy thought it was funny when i loaded up a 80+lb backpack and rode the bike home