It's just a little surface rust!
As they say in Tennessee......"EAT MORE POSSUM!" Or "POSSUM, THE OTHER WHITE MEAT!" MMMMMM MMMMMMM!!! [dr
I had a dog once that hated possums. If they came anywhere near him or his food bowl - they were goners. One bite to the neck and a quick shake and that was that! I hated finding them in his pen. It was usually several days later after he partially buried them and left them there in the sun for me to find.
That's funny Thunder, I used to have a Rottie/Shepherd mix who was the most non-confrontal dog that ever lived. If someone knocked on the door he would get up and leave, but don't let another animal come around! He killed a skunk one night and brought it into the house thru the dog door! You want to talk about a BAD smell!..........CR