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Rat Rods Rule

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As they say in Tennessee......"EAT MORE POSSUM!" Or "POSSUM, THE OTHER WHITE MEAT!" MMMMMM MMMMMMM!!! [dr

I had a dog once that hated possums. If they came anywhere near him or his food bowl - they were goners. One bite to the neck and a quick shake and that was that! I hated finding them in his pen. It was usually several days later after he partially buried them and left them there in the sun for me to find. :(

That's funny Thunder, I used to have a Rottie/Shepherd mix who was the most non-confrontal dog that ever lived. If someone knocked on the door he would get up and leave, but don't let another animal come around! He killed a skunk one night and brought it into the house thru the dog door! You want to talk about a BAD smell!...:(.......CR

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