Livin' the rat roddin' lifestyle
It's mid summer and time to have fun with my hot rods. I noticed the Studebaker isn't running right. Close inspection indicates I have a wiped cam. Just what I wanted to do, cam change. Well I still got the Corvette but now it seems the battery won't stay up over night. I hate chasing electrical gremlins. A long walk in the woods with my dogs will take my mind off the trouble but I seem to have this pain in my chest. WHAAM!!
I'm in the hospital for bypass surgery. Nothing else matters when your health fails. Doctors say all went well but I will be out of commission for three months,THREE MONTHS??? Cant't work on the cars or even drive for three months. I'm weak as a kitten and I don't like it but life just threw a wrench in my plans. Don't take your health for granted because it's the most important thing you have.