Wiper Blades

Rat Rods Rule

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RRR Supportor
Mar 20, 2012
In a camper down at the shop
Wiper Blades have sure seemed to get expensive. I needed a set for my 2012 F450 the other day. It's hard to get out the door for less than 45 a pair all in. But, I did. I put the passenger blade on the drivers side and made it home. I logged on to Rock Auto and got a total 14 blades for 3 cars plus a set for the Ford 450, 108.00 delivered. Rock Auto rules!![cl
They really don’t make them like they used to. I bought a pair of NOS blades for the Lincoln, box art appears to be from the 50’s or maybe early 60’s. These things are as soft and supple as anything made this year. Good old made in the USA Trico. Even after being in storage in who knows what conditions, they are perfect. I doubt any of today’s blades would be like that.

Oh, the price? I had to give $40. EACH! Now I know the part number, I see them on eBay from time to time. I’m gonna buy another set or two for the future. But you can bet I won’t be paying that for them again. The company I got them from had them marked way up.
Everything's expensive now! When I went to buy a new battery for the Rambler it was a battery I used to pay $75 for... now $225! I was shocked!!! I did get wipers for my Ram 1500 for $18 ea though!

Everything's expensive now! When I went to buy a new battery for the Rambler it was a battery I used to pay $75 for... now $225! I was shocked!!! I did get wipers for my Ram 1500 for $18 ea though!


Just bought my wife a 2020 daily driver. Only 78,000 KM's on it. Battery is on its way out and won't last the winter. Ugh.

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