YouTube is great!

Rat Rods Rule

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The California Kid
Jun 4, 2007
Torrance, Ca
I'll be damned. The headlights on my truck were so yellowed, I looked at a YouTube video on ow to clean it. Sandpaper, a little elbow grease and some clear, the look as good as new. Then my daily driver needed new wiper blades. New or old, they always squeaked and skipped. Back to YouTube and discovered cleaning wiper blades with denatured alcohol, not only fixes the problem, but makes your wipers last more than twice as long.[cl
The Nova's heater core leaked when I got it but our winters are so mild I've never felt the need to replace it (just disconnected it) but decided to look to see if there was a YouTube of changing it for a '62 Nova... sure nuff! Gotta love it! Those vids have saved my bacon multiple times!

Wiper blades used to come with a little alcohol towelette you wiped them with. I got a bottle head light restore juice from NAPA, wipe on, wipe off, works great. One bottle would easy do 10-15 cars. 7 bucks
Information and entertainment. It's all there and growing exponentially.
Good to see you post again Gasser...where have you been keeping yourself?
I use Youtube for everything. My washer was not working , pulled up a Youtube video, bought an $8 part, and it works like new. Also use it to troubleshoot issues with my car, or, if I am making something different for dinner, I pull up a video on how to cook it. I never knew how to sharpen drill bits until I watched a video on the subject.

I also take my customers at work over to a computer and pull up a video to show them how to do something on their boat.

Great source of information.

I watch one video on the tube, then get so sidet tracked, by the end of the night, I'm ripping apart the yard to put in an in ground fire pit, watching giant commercial dump trucks running over small passenger cars while pulling the trans out of the neighbors car, just because I was shown how to do it.

I'm subscribed to a select few channels. Tubelcain is one. He's an old machine shop instructor and makes weekly videos from everything from lathe turning techniques to "guess this tool". He's awesome and full of knowledge!
Information and entertainment. It's all there and growing exponentially.
Good to see you post again Gasser...where have you been keeping yourself?

I'm on Facebook more often the not. My cars just sit most of the time. Being retired for 4 years now, all I do is go to the gym at 4:30 am and leave at 6 am. From then on, I never leave the house. I'm turning into a hermit. Since I competed in the Senior Games in 2012, lifting is my passion now.
Ya know, GG, I retired twice. Once for a year and a half and once for 3 years. I was turning into a lazy bum and my mental and physical health was suffering. You can only play with your toys so much.

So, I went back to work, only wanted a day or two a week, but I am not working 5 days and love it. I get to solve problems all day long, interface with people, and I get lots of exercise. The money also comes in handy for chrome parts I really don't need ! :D

I've been working as a contractor installing and repairing fitness equipment on and off for 5 years and their method of training you is with u-tube videos! Of course when I started they just sent you a work order and said, here, fix it![cl
I got into working out when an old buddy surfaced after I retired. He had been in prison. If you ever watched "Breaking Bad", that was him. We were street racing buddies until I noticed he was buying cars, a LOT of cars and figured something was up, so I quit hanging around. He was pulling in $100K a month until he got caught. Anyway, he told me about the Senior Games. He always wins the push-up contest. Since I had gone back to gym after I retired, I gave it a shot the following year and won the Gold Medal for bench press in my age and weight class. Since then, I've been hooked on lifting. My buddy is so serious about diet and working out, he keeps a log of his calories ate and calories burned working out. His logs go back over 5 years.

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