Recent content by barberochris

Rat Rods Rule

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  1. barberochris

    Look What My MOM Found............

    That would be like a dream come true for any of us to stumble across that beautiful site...Wait maybe your mom AND her camera just saw a mirage out there in the heat. That place is literally a gold mine.
  2. barberochris

    Old Motorhome

    A cool old truck I though some of you would find interesting.
  3. barberochris

    Header opinion

    Number 1 but I think number 3 is definitly cool.
  4. barberochris

    51 chevy panel

    Very cool! Keep everyone updated and post lots of pictures along the way. Looks like you have a great truck to start with. Welcome to RRR and feel free to ask questions or give advice to others.
  5. barberochris

    New Craigslist Scam

    I have posted a few items on Craigslist and I would only get 1 or 2 real people that are interested and about 10-15 scammers. I also had a friend get into a shady deal and got scammed out some money. I'm sick of it and I don't even go to that site anymore. I consider the internet a tool. You...
  6. barberochris

    One Size Fits All

    It was my understanding that the wagon wheel story was a coincedence/ rumor and that the outside measurement of the tracks was a simple round number of 5 feet. I think I saw something on the history channel about it. I couldn't find any information on the internet supporting the 5 feet but...
  7. barberochris

    Whats the most annoying?

    If some one comes up to you guys asking when is it going to be done or what color are you going to paint it just give them a generic answer like next year or bright blue. Those people will probably just continue walking since they aren't really interested in your work, they already have a...
  8. barberochris

    A Different Type of Engine Build

    Interesting that the only personal safety they have is some loose fitting overalls.
  9. barberochris

    The Fabricators Fail Thread-

    I'm not really sure what to say. What in the world could those people possibly been thinking?
  10. barberochris

    Would anybody be interested...

    I guess if I had to give it a price it would be $2500. I didn't put this in the 'For Sale' section because it isn't mine. I am trying to sell my Ford and some one wants to trade the Stude for it. I was going to trade vehicles and sell the Stude if anyone was more interested in that than the Ford.
  11. barberochris

    Would anybody be interested...

    1951 2R 16 Studebaker 1 1/2 ton Truck One owner, 48xxx miles Have all parts, headlight rings, etc. NO rust. Very good mechanicaly, runs good, straight. 12' Flat bed with clean oak floor, pine grain sides. 245 Champion Eng, 4 spd sgl rear 7:00 x 20 tires/wheels King Pins, tie rods...
  12. barberochris

    challenger or trans am ????

    Challenger would be my choice.
  13. barberochris

    It's a Goggomobile

    That thing is pretty dang cool, I love the sound.
  14. barberochris

    General Motors merger with Volkswagen

    I think it would be be pretty nifty if it didn't have the fin on top.
  15. barberochris

    Funny Listing on the 'List'

    I'm sorry in advance for making fun of this if this ad is any of yours. I wonder if it is some kinda joke. My father-in-law saw this ad and said "Well that would only be good for hookin a chain to the bumper and draggin around". If...