Hand cleaner

Rat Rods Rule

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Tman will now give us the chemical formula as to why salt combined with the hot water enhances the cleansing power of the laundry detergent...LOL[cl
Sorry Tman, just kidding.....:D Salt really does soften the water and therefore does make it easier on the laundry soap to clean......so lodgically it would help....just like borax or any of those laundry additives that help clean the clothes..... :eek: I feel like Martha Stewart!!!! :eek:

That's why huh? Good to know Martha.....thank you for sharing :D
And while where on the subject, i've been successful washing greasy/ oily crap from good jeans by dropping in some salt into the hot water in the wash cycle. Dunno why, but its worked well for me.

I used to take my greasy/oily clothes to the self-serve car wash, hang them on the side of the bay on the mat clip things, and pre-wash them with the engine cleaner, soap, and a short rinse. Then take 'em home and run through the regular wash.

However, after I had my shop fire at the end of '96 I lived in an apartment for a bit while still in college. The guy who managed the apartments was a real dick to most of the people in the complex, so I got back at him by not only tuning the new engine in my 64 Galaxie in the parking lot, but I tore down and degreased the transmission case in the courtyard before putting it back together with a full manual valve body kit and a roller bearing upgrade. Afterwards I tossed all my transmission fluid soaked rags and clothes into some of the washing machines on the premises and made sure I told everyone which machines not to use for a while. I swear there was a ring of trans fluid in those machines for a couple weeks afterwards. [ddd
soft water

has something to do with ions. took a sales training program for a water softner company. plastic beads attract impurities out of the water. salt brine washes soil from beads. junk sticks to beads then when beads are covered the salt releases the bond and the dirt is flushed away with the brine. if salt is getting into the fresh water pipes something is broke. cornhuskers lotion is pretty versatile almost like having an ol lady around to help lol
See!!!! Told you....

has something to do with ions. took a sales training program for a water softner company. plastic beads attract impurities out of the water. salt brine washes soil from beads. junk sticks to beads then when beads are covered the salt releases the bond and the dirt is flushed away with the brine. if salt is getting into the fresh water pipes something is broke. cornhuskers lotion is pretty versatile almost like having an ol lady around to help lol

I knew he would have the poop on the scoop!!!! Thanks Tman.....you know we's be luvin ya!!! :D
I useta leave an open bottle of motor oil next to my drill press for cutting oil and would squirt some on my hands when they got real greasy, and wipe them and then use some gojo.

The last time I did that I got a whiff of something nasty and thought these were some fresh squeezed dinosaurs in that oil. I tried another dose and squeezed a long dead mouse out into my hand!!

Took a lot of various chemicals to get most of the dead smell off my hands. It woke me up a couple nights when I'd move my hand to my face in my sleep.

Good times!!

pa41 you win lol that atkes the cake.
y'all be carefull with that cornhuskers lotion there aint no msds on it but if you find yourself slathered in it rolling around on a bare waterbed mattress get professional help immediately your only a step away from being found running the streets nekked yelling koo koo for ko ko puffs with meat snacks stuffed in yer your ears.
Two things

First, I hate the feel of grease on my hands. I always have a red rag in my pocket and I'm always wiping my hands. I wash them often too, hardly ever catch a cold. Borrow a tool and put it back in my box greasy, I'd sooner grab a turd than a greasy hammer handle.

Recently I was out of gojo w/the fine Italian pumice so I used about a tablespoon of Tide powdered laundry detergent. Under cold water that stuff got hot as heck and I gotta say cleaned my hand better than they've been cleaned in a long time. I'm just guessing, it's probably not a good idea on a regular basis.[S
I use a mixture of dish soap and cleanser as well...

Dawn and Palmolive work best.....at least for me.....that Orange stuff works failrly well for a quick clean up on light stuff....but deep cleaning Dawn and ajax or the cheapy cleanser works darn good.....
They still make LAVA soap...always keep a bar in the bathroom in a soap crate marked LAVA....DO NOT THROW AWAY OR USE IN THE SHOWER.

Ha wife thought it was one of those exfoliating bars!!
I still use Lava here at home, use Kresto at work , and my dad still uses Dawn at the body shop along with lacquer thinner as a back up :D
I use dish soap with a sprinkle of "washing soda", sounds weird but all my friend I have shown are now using it. Washing Soda was used by my mom in an old wringer washer with the whites when I was young. You find it in the detergent aisle at the market, Arm and Hammer in a yellow box, cheap too.
I also use it in my rust remover(electrolysis) tub.
I have always used Dawn and a worn out scotch brite pad. Fingernails come clean when i wash my hair and scrub my beard.:D
guess I'll have to settle for a good old nail brush...LOL...

I retired from JCPD many years ago and haven't had a haircut or shaved since then. When you retire Sarge you can do the same. Think of all the money you'll save on haircuts, razor blades, shaving cream, after shave, and last but not least..... nail brushes! All of that money can go towards your rides:D
Good Point...

I retired from JCPD many years ago and haven't had a haircut or shaved since then. When you retire Sarge you can do the same. Think of all the money you'll save on haircuts, razor blades, shaving cream, after shave, and last but not least..... nail brushes! All of that money can go towards your rides:D

Years back when I was not in law enforcement, I had long hair (was in style then)and a beard and the guys in the shop where I was turning wrenchs called me Bear.....guess I never thought I'd actually be one...LOL...

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