Well-known member
Either of those Model As would look just right in my shop.
I spy a 40 coupe in the background.Little A sedan looks solid. What was the roadster pickup? Not an A with a cowl vent....
Speaking of the little woman. She went to Target today and wore one of my grinding masks. After a few minutes she ripped it off. Said her glasses steamed up and she was suffocating.
Went to my you friend Jeff's (Titus) house today to see if his wife, Jenny aka Stitch B*tch would sew some covers on the Bantam seats. I brought the foam and Carhart material. Jenny does award winning interiors and I wasn't sure she would mess with my seats. But, she took pity on me and will do them.
While there I took the attached pics of some of the stuff Jeff has for sale. If anyone is interested let me know.
Just for laughs I looked on eBay to see if these carbs have any value. Lo and behold! the asking price ranged from $995 to $1,250. Sure wish I still had the other one.
What's the big deal, Bob? I mean, who's seeking them and why? [S
OEM carb for a Hemi cross ram manifold, I guess. If I hadn't looked on eBay I woulda sold it for 20 bucks.
It's a T, and that's the fuel filler door.
I was thinking the T had the tank under the front seat for some reason. Guess I’ve seen too many glass T’s that didn’t have the fuel door....