A few days away from building the house so it's time to have some fun! I been working on making up the seat base which will raise them just short of 8" off the floor. I'll get a bit more done on that to justify pics but in the mean time, these couple of pics were from a handful of weeks ago...
The hood panels are missing the latches which will come later but at the bottom where it's rolled, were sides were smashed/bent/kinked. I originally thought about riveting a piece of flat bar down there but then had an idea which I'm sure most of you guys have done at some point. A super simple fix that made it much stronger than original was provided buy a piece of the original rear brake 1/4" round linkage. Drove in snug but didn't put up a fight which was nice for a change!
The hood panels are missing the latches which will come later but at the bottom where it's rolled, were sides were smashed/bent/kinked. I originally thought about riveting a piece of flat bar down there but then had an idea which I'm sure most of you guys have done at some point. A super simple fix that made it much stronger than original was provided buy a piece of the original rear brake 1/4" round linkage. Drove in snug but didn't put up a fight which was nice for a change!