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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. Toad

    Tommy Ring Rat rods

    I understand he's a build on the cheap kind of guy but I think he's pretty much a hack but that just me! :D Toad
  2. Toad

    Getting Old

    I'm an oldster too & limping along like a lot of you. I'll be cool until they ask for my keys, then there'll be a fight! [ddd Toad
  3. Toad

    I admit it... I bought some of these!

    I've seen them going for $50 to $1,000 on the Bay! Good score Tripper! [cl Toad
  4. Toad

    Irrational Harvester Cub Cadet

    Cool ride but I hope your health & life insurance are paid up! [ddd Toad
  5. Toad

    The First Rat Rod

    Cool video but the 1st rat rod, please! :eek: Toad
  6. Toad

    My brothers new bike

    Nice bike! [cl Toad
  7. Toad

    Huge stash of 50-55 1920's-30's cars and trucks

    Sad that people let the old cars get in that condition, seen it so many times! Toad
  8. Toad

    2021 bronco

    Not impressed and especially from a company that's done such a great job with the Mustang IMO! :eek: Toad
  9. Toad

    Anyone remember the "Rat Rod God"?

    There was a guy on here a long time ago that called himself the "Rat Rod God" & claimed his car would make him "world famous"! He sold it and the guy who bought it posted several times on different forums what a POS it was! Well it's for sale again, sit down before you see the price! I think...
  10. Toad

    What are some teaching their kids?

    I think it started around the time parents stopped teaching their kids to say "Yes Sir", "No Sir, Yes Ma'am, No Ma'am! You never heard kids say that any more, it's called respect! Toad
  11. Toad

    The pork site

    No problem here! Your IP address may have gotten banned or your e-mail server! [S Toad
  12. Toad

    Here's for you guys with a spare $135K layin' around!

    I'd buy it but white's not my favorite color! [ddd Toad
  13. Toad

    got this frame for 25.00

    Price was right! What motor you going to throw in there? [S Toad
  14. Toad

    i had a dodge dart race car

    Too cool, live Darts! [cl Toad
  15. Toad

    Happy birthday timbo !!!!!!

    Happy birthday Bug Man! :D Toad
  16. Toad

    New Project...seeking info.

    Love those trucks! If you let an engine sit for a long time, the anti-freeze will turn to **** and is hell getting all of it out! I usually replace the freeze plus & that gives you better access to really clean it out, but that's just me! Toad
  17. Toad

    AD interior....

    Beautiful, your friend must be loaded! That ain't cheap! :eek: Toad
  18. Toad

    Buying Project Car, Long Distance

    Don’t do it! Toad
  19. Toad

    Is everyone staying safe ?

    Politics aside, I have friends and family in the medical field and they are scared ****less. They say these viruses usually come in 3-4 rounds and if it lightens up in the summer and comes back this winter, it's going to be really bad. When they go out, they go in glasses, masks and gloves, just...
  20. Toad

    Aluminum welding rods

    I'd never buy anything from a FB ad. I've seen multiple posts that people ordered stuff from there & never got those items or their money back! Toad