bob w
Still crazy after all these years!
This project is and will continue to be a process of discovery. Cool that we can cone along.
It's wild how close the exhaust ports are to the BBC
Cool! Interesting that the side cover on the trans is cast aluminum instead of tin like GM ones. Is the tranny case also aluminum? To my knowledge US ones were all cast iron, recall changing one on the 56 Olds engine in my 55 chev pickup, a brutal job for an 18 year old with a bottle jack and wood blocks in a dirt back yard.... good times....
Yes the whole thing is aluminum, even the pan. It's a stout unit plus the bell housing bolts on to the tranny. So I'd guess a different bell housing could be used so it could bolt up to different engines?
Heating and bending the steering arms is old school. Speedway Motors has a diagram in their catalog on doing it. Probably find out some info over on the HAMB. I’ve never done it, so I can’t tell you how….
My '42 came with heated and bent straight down steering arms. Hard to turn and ackerman was off. God bless Speedway.
Can you off set the motor another inch or two towards the passenger side? If you could gain 1/2 or 3/4 of the space you need to move the steering box, that might make things look a little better.
Rack and pinion will eliminate the box. I always found engineering D shafts and u-joints to be funPillow blocks help too.
Can you off set the motor another inch or two towards the passenger side? If you could gain 1/2 or 3/4 of the space you need to move the steering box, that might make things look a little better.
Yes, that's the first thing that crossed my mind as I've done plenty of that on 4WD stuff. Mostly converting old Land Cruiser to Saginaw power steering. This thing though has such limited space under the dash it would be a lot harder than the stuff I'm used to.
If I did it would not be centered in the frame plus, the starter on the other side is nearly on the frame.
The things that are currently rolling around in my brain are: A reverse Corvair box looks like it would work. At least those don't have the long snout on them like the one that's in there now.
There's a deal called a "Steer Clear" Those look cool especially because they help to eliminate the column shaft going down between your legs.
I suppose cowl steering could be an option but, common sense tells me the rod going from the pitman arm out to the steering arm need to be on the same plane and pivot as the radius arm on the suspension or it'll bump steer. Cowl steering seems like it would disrupt that relationship because it moves the pitman arm back.
What earthman said, I pretty much quit using the steering boxes and went to a rack and pinion.
The Dodge Omni is a rear steer and fits the drop axles very well.
This link is the page where I mounted the steering.
Interested in seeing how you engineer the support for the box.