Something's wrong with that boy!
Coming along real nice [P
I read your whole blog, what a fantastic time you're having.
I'm envious, keep up the great work and documentation!
Good luck finding a 6th door hinge, you might ask around here, it's amazing what these guys are able to lay their hands on.
Always good to find needed parts!!!!
You might call Rebel wire. I have used their harness and they will build
whatever you need. With that early Cummins it would be pretty easy to just
use one of their universal sets then add a circuit for the preheater grid.
I love your truck. Keep hammering on it..
I just bought a painless system for mine too. I have an 89 4bt which is the same as your 12 valve. You won't use the ignition circuit, but can use it for fuel shutoff solenoid. Grid heater circuit too if you choose to use it. The rest is mechanical I believe. You have a mechanical fuel pump on the side of the block?
I doubt you'll find a more custom one suited specifically for the 12 valve. I think the one you got will work just fine.