It ain't grey hair, it's chrome!
Propped a tire in the fender and bolted on the running board to figure out the rearend width needed and to help determine frame measurements. This is how it will look at full suspension drop - I'd like to go lower but with the 30" tire, this is a low as it can go.
Using a highly sophisticated CAD designing program (Chaulk Assisted Doodling), I sketched out the frame dimensions on the floor. Hmmm, if this is my man cave, is this a cave drawing ? [S
I'll cut out the frame pieces and lay them right on the floor drawing to tack them together. Also in the pics are the 4 link arms I made last fall in anticipation of this frame build.
Using a highly sophisticated CAD designing program (Chaulk Assisted Doodling), I sketched out the frame dimensions on the floor. Hmmm, if this is my man cave, is this a cave drawing ? [S
I'll cut out the frame pieces and lay them right on the floor drawing to tack them together. Also in the pics are the 4 link arms I made last fall in anticipation of this frame build.