Hope your wife is doing well. Nice addition ton your shop.
It's nice to build a bigger shop but not for the reason you're doing it. I hope your wife and you are coping well with this situation. Is the motor home your winter quarters?
Thanks, the wife is doing better now so we're going take the Hennway to the Queen City Cruise in Nelson B.C., Sept 9-10, first time out to a show this year.
The Packard has been off to a slow start and now I'm enlarging my backyard shed to move my car habit out of the house garage -but- I will get it here and get a start on it before going south for the winter.
Good to hear the Chevole' is still out there, I had fun building that one![]()
How was the Queen City Cruise? I guess I'll see you in Radium next year
That shop will be a nice place to spend some time, sorry to hear of the reason why, though.
Shops looking really good, are you insulating and dry walling ?
After a long dry summer, the forecast was rain in Nelson so we stayed home and I worked on the shop instead, got the roof on 10 min. before it rained ! Probably for the best, my wife did not need sitting in the rain, health wise and mood wise....
Outside of shop looks great, hope your weather is better than ours.
Nice work on the shop. How did you take that high angle pic?
The shop looks great! Now we expect even more from you!![]()
Thanks, though far from done - a nosy/jealous neighbor put in a complaint so I've been hit with a stop work orderHave to get this bump in the road sorted out now...
Yeah, we are so spoiled here in the valley, still picking apples in the sun
Thanks Bob - standing on my back sundeck!
Thanks, though far from done - a nosy/jealous neighbor put in a complaint so I've been hit with a stop work orderHave to get this bump in the road sorted out now...
Any update on the stop order?