Looking good! Stop back over anytime and we can finish up that keg.
Truck is allsome!
Didnt see if you ever went back and addressed your links. Johnny Joints on one end would help with movement and flex. Especially where you welded the threaded end on. I was worried about the thickness of the tab material you used on them if you are runnin any amount of horsepower. Not knockin...just an observation. We ran a 4 link in am IMCA Mod and those rear ends take some serious abuse.
I hope my rod turns out to look as sweet as yours.
Looking good! Stop back over anytime and we can finish up that keg.
That looks good! Yours is probably the first fenderless truck of this cab style I like.
Were you actually getting hassled or is this a staged pic?
We did stage the pic. He was just standing there messing with his phone so we couldn't resist.
I have a I beam set up ,been driving it for 4 years have driven it over 399 miles round trip , If the ride from a straight axle could be made better by changing the set up IFS would never have been invented . When some one asks me "how does it ride " i say " like a 32 Ford " . I learned to drive on a 31 Ford , believe me the quality of the ride was not one of their strong points .
Looks like quite the nice ride! One question though, how is your keg mounted? I have a keg that I am planning on using, but haven't looked into how to mount it yet..
i call mine a four wheeled hard tail.
250 miles is the farthest i have driven it.
and i had to get out and walk around 3 or 4 times.
Love the look of your truck its kinda the look I'm going for with my rat binder
. You Gina be at goodguys this year I'd love to check it out in person seeings how mine is gonna be a while with number 2 premie baby on the way...
your truck turned out great ... i think the per portions and wheel base look great
Very nice looking truck. I'm building one very similar using a '42 Chevy cab. If you go to goodguys maybe I'll see ya there. Do you hit any of the local cruise in's?
I kinda thinking I need a visor, but haven't decided on that yet.
Maybe I'll make a short one and see.