I hit the 'Yard Driver' point and parked it in the side yard for now. It's in the "fer lookin at and thinkin about" status.
I think I'll scrounge some modern flatish car tops to cut the boat tail sides out of instead of flat sheet iorn. The cartops have a slight crown that looks like old 'flat' panels.
The rear fenders don't please me somehow--maybe to big? Not sure--they might be OK if I mount then down some. They might be too high. I am still considering buying some f-glass Auburn speedster rear fenders for it, but they are round and don't have that peak in them, (and they are kinda 'spensive). I still havent made my mind up about them.
I like lookin at it in the yard--I do that with most of my stuff.
It will come to me eventually. Maybe.
Thanks for the interest.