Fascinated by rolling objects!
Nothing constructive to add to the thread but i still check in here to see how somebody with skill does things. 
They do make kits gold. I believe that Eastwood may carry them.. I have used JB weld with good success and I know that other people have used some off the shelf epoxy's as well.More work on the column. My steering wheel is disintegrating! Sad. I want the stock wheel. Need to find a kit to do the repair work. Anyone know of one? or is it just repair with fibre glass and paint?
Hey guys, are brake lines coated with another aloy, or are they mild steel?
Finally got around to loading some pictures. Here is the steering column and the horn adapter. The horn adapter will sit on the floor inside the cab. I will build a cover for it... maybe an antique tin of some sort.
I haven't been around much. fighting the blues for some reason. I did sharpen all of my drill bits, and cleaned the garage.