Hey guys. It's been a while sines I posted. The summer has been busy. I have spent a bunch of time on other projects. My Jeep is torn apart with all of the fenders, bumpers and armour off to tho powder coasters. I have managed to put 9000 km on the bike. Dialled in the programmer on the cummins. I had lost a bunch of power so was chasing that for a while. Found it! Spending weekends camping.
I need to get the Jeep back together for winter, and get my furnace installed in the garage. It is cooling off here already, so I'm under the gun.
I am going to rejet the bike. Running a little lean. I bought an air fuel gauge set up so I can get it dialled in. Looking for more power now.
Once I get all that done winter will be on me. Then it's back to the Rat Rod
oh well. Lessons learned I guess.
Looking forward to getting back to the truck.
Torchie! That is looking awesome. I need to look in DR's build and see if he is tearing up the streets yet. Last I looked he was doing test drive!