I respect all that's on RRR and my comment is not directed at any individual so don't take it personal.
I am not anti government, we need our government, just not the unqualified people that have been elected to hold those offices and abuse their power.
With those people in our government, in most cases, it's all a smoke screen to take your attention off the brass ring, for a bigger agenda on the horizon and almost like a dictator society, provoking their will on the citizens with military and police to do it.
Now to the weapon issue (weapon covers a wide range of objects so I will use the term gun).
Any of the guns I have, are in no way to protect myself from the government or police, that is a very foolish thought.
The protection of my family is my responsibility and the utmost priority on my list. Without a gun or guns, of some sort, protection from others, out to do you or your family harm, would have to be carried out in hand to hand combat situation.
If and when the time comes with numbers on their side,
you will loose!!!!!!!!
I am a veteran and I can tell you, you do not want to be limited to that situation.
If you go out looking for trouble or a fight, you will find it and may not like what you find.
If you are a law abiding citizen on your property in a defensive mode, the trouble can be detoured by having protection (guns)!!!! Again without protection you and your family are sitting ducks and most likely will not survive an attack from lawless individuals.
The Declaration of Independence of these United States was written to protect our rights and if you allow the elected individuals to deprive you of those rights then my time served in the military was wasted and I put myself in harms way to protect those who are not willing to help protect mine

With all due respect to our neighbors, The
is of these United States and should not be open to debate from any other country other than ours.
That is why it was written in the first place, to declare our independence from another country.
The issue of guns versus human life is not what is at stake her.
I was as shocked and appalled as anyone else with the resent attacks but, it would not have mattered if it were a fully automatic assault weapon or a single shot 22.
The unprotected children and others would still have occurred, it would have just taken longer (God what a sickening thought).
The deranged and crimanally minded will be the ones with the weapons and not the law abiding.
A gun can be made from a vast number of items so outlawing will only hinder the common person.
I've probably stumped my toe or cut off my entire foot and I choose to stop here, this thread will only get worse and I will not post on this issue again.