46 Ford rusty cab, my first build

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Little more done

Worked on the shifter and brake assy, this weekend.

Drilled and tapped the grenade and made a new push button for it and got it mounted ont he shifter. Works great :D

Rebent the Ford Ranger brake pedal and relocated the pivet point.


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Set the frame on the floor and placed the motor between the rails and centered it. This way I know the oil pan will be inside/above the rails when I add the rubber pads to the mounts. Fabed up some mounts and got those tacked to the frame.

Rolled the rearend under the frame and thats where I thought I had hit a snag :eek: but thanks to some folks here and on KB I got the go ahead and all is well.

Grabbed a couple of piece of scrap angle and welded the rearend in place. Fabed up a tranny mount and made it removable. Still got to weld in a couple of end caps on the tranny mount and add a couple of gussits.

Feels good to see the frame support the motor without sagging..:D

A couple of pic says more than I can so here ya go. Never mind all the oil and grease on the motor, just sprayed it with some grease remover and will preasure wash it.


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Weekend Update

Got alot done this weekend thanks to my brother who came over and help me narrow the front of the frame to accept the new, not so new 50 Chevy 3/4 ton truck frontend.

Heres some before and after photos. Put it all back together to get some idea what it is going to look like when its done.

Hope you enjoy the photos as much as I have building it.



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Thanks M, got to locater a couple of 14"x5x5 Chevy steelies for the front now.

I did find out one thing, cant drill the spring mounts, them things are cast or something. Tried to straighten out the holes where whoever cut them out did it with a torch and boogered up the holes. Kill a good 7/16 bit.

Yeah, its starting to come together.

About the keg, if he has one you will have to get it, at the present time with the wife out of work I dont have the money to pick it up. I would but funds are something we have very little of rigth now. Sorry M but I will get his number. He's a good guy to deal with.

See ya later
Thanks M, got to locater a couple of 14"x5x5 Chevy steelies for the front now.

I did find out one thing, cant drill the spring mounts, them things are cast or something. Tried to straighten out the holes where whoever cut them out did it with a torch and boogered up the holes. Kill a good 7/16 bit.

Yeah, its starting to come together.

About the keg, if he has one you will have to get it, at the present time with the wife out of work I dont have the money to pick it up. I would but funds are something we have very little of rigth now. Sorry M but I will get his number. He's a good guy to deal with.

See ya later

Thats ok Larry,

I know how it is as Im going through that daily. Fooling with cars is what keeps me sane. These updates on the ford are looking good.

Thanks Mike, Got the intake on today and the flange for the header. Here's a couple more pics.

Thinking about doing a 45degree down and then another 45degree back under the intake on the four middle ports or should I do all six to keep flow the same? Not real sure if those angles will restrict the flow. Need advise from those who have build headers before. You can see from the pic theres not alot of room to make the bends.



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Thanks Mike, Got the intake on today and the flange for the header. Here's a couple more pics.

Thinking about doing a 45degree down and then another 45degree back under the intake on the four middle ports or should I do all six to keep flow the same? Not real sure if those angles will restrict the flow. Need advise from those who have build headers before. You can see from the pic theres not alot of room to make the bends.


Im no expert by any means but generally exhaust bends wont hurt your flow unless there's alot of them or the bends are at really crazy angles. Headers always work the best when the tubes are of equal length and they have a good straight shot.

Have fun
Thanks Bob for your comment on the truck. Heres a couple of pic of the top. When I first got the truck the top looked basically like swiss cheese on the top. It had a major dent/cave in on the top and water had set there for years and eat through it to the point there was no repairing it. I am planning on using the top corners on the bottem of the cap to rebuild the corners there. Also going to do a 4 inch chop on the windsheild after the top comes off.

I wouldnt cut the top off if it was repairable but sometimes theres just too much rust for a budget build.



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Homemade Header Build

Started building my headers last night. My first attempt at this so done be too hard on me if you see some mistakes but I do appreciate your comments.

I cut the flange out of a set of old racecar headers a friend gave me then cleaned out all the ports to remove the old tubes. I then cut the headers to get the bends I needed to make mine.

As DMW56 has done I too am going to use VW tips. I like the looks of his and he says sounds pretty good too.:D

I will recut the tudes after I get them mounted on the engine and pull a piece of tape across them to make sure all are the same.

I still have to grind the built up welded section on the back of the headers to about a 1/16 ridge so assure proper sealing to the gasket. I good belt sander and a new belt will do the trick here.

Here's a couple of pics so you can see my progress. Let me know your comments and I will post more pics after I get them ground and recut.

Thanks and God bless


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Another Quick Update on Headers

Got the headers finished and on the engine.

Sanded the bead down on the belt sander, diegrind the inside to help improve flow, cut to leigth and placed on engine. Done.......well all accept the tips in which I can buy them online for 6 bucks a piece. Not bad to a 36 dollar plus gasket set of headers:D

Here's a couple of pics:


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Got the headers finished and on the engine.

Sanded the bead down on the belt sander, diegrind the inside to help improve flow, cut to leigth and placed on engine. Done.......well all accept the tips in which I can buy them online for 6 bucks a piece. Not bad to a 36 dollar plus gasket set of headers:D

Here's a couple of pics:

Awesome pics of the sparks flying off them. Damn chevs and their uneven port spacings..
Wouldnt you know it, I put the seats in to see how they were going to look and the wife just had to climb in and make motor noises..:D:D:D And the worst part was she didnt even ask if I wanted to ride...:(


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