Got Fins?
I found this on that "Other" forum and thought I'd post it for some inspiration. I hope you don't mind.
That actually was my inspiration... I think its somewhere in this thread already [cl[cl
I found this on that "Other" forum and thought I'd post it for some inspiration. I hope you don't mind.
I think the grille will look fine behind the axle if you follow the sketch.
I found this on that "Other" forum and thought I'd post it for some inspiration. I hope you don't mind.
I read the article on this truck, thought it was cool! Maybe one day I will ditch the junk I have on the back of mine and do something like that.
DR-read through your build-freaking crazy-love it!!! I have that picture(from the mag) hanging in my shop-that was the first rat rod pic I ever hung up. Your chop looked perfect to me-I couldn't see what you were unhappy with! Love your thoughts on working on it when ever you can-your right you don't have to spend 4-5 hrs at one time working on it,hell sometimes I'll just mess around with something for a half an hour-at least something got done. Keep it up-can't wait to see the finished product.