50s Ford F1 Build

Rat Rods Rule

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Good plan...

Side note, I'm lining up a deal on a new welder hopefully early in the week coming up. I think I have mine sold, going for either a millermatic 180 autoset or a 211, really want the 211, but not sure I can swing the coin right now...

Gotta have a larger welder to finish up this frame, and not wanting to tear down and bring the frame back to work.
I know the feeling. All I have is a Hobart 135, really want something bigger. Right now at my disposal is a Miller 210, wish it was mine, but I am just holding it for my friend. Borrowed it to get my four link done, he has never come to get it and take it home. Maybe that means I can keep it!!! [ddd
Yea I really want the 200 Amp, but we will see... I'm pretty sure I have my 135 sold to my cousin, minus tank and cart.

Ok, so on to the progress, today I ground the bevels on the pieces for the front suspension that I cut up friday, and tack welded them all together. I still need to tack up the upper arm mount at the axle end, and tack in the frame side mounts.

I also cut out the frame rails to accept the speedway spring bracket on each side, which will allow me to get down to ride height, in fact it may be too much, but we will see once I get the axle under it this week.

I think I also need to add some clamps around the leafs of the QE springs, as they seem to slide around a bit side to side which I don't like.

So, on to the pics, the upper arms are set at 20 degrees, and that should locate the front axle side to side, I think there may be a little give to it as there are hard rubber bushings on the frame end, and urethane on the axle side... So, I hope it still locates as well as I think it should. Honestly, I'm not going to be taking corners at huge speeds, just some cruising, and straight-line stuff really.

Anyhow, on to pictures, enough talk.


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Good plan...

Side note, I'm lining up a deal on a new welder hopefully early in the week coming up. I think I have mine sold, going for either a millermatic 180 autoset or a 211, really want the 211, but not sure I can swing the coin right now...

Gotta have a larger welder to finish up this frame, and not wanting to tear down and bring the frame back to work.

I have the Millermatic 180 autoset and I really like it. I run it on 230v and I use the autoset for almost everything. I've even used it for 3/8; I welded some 3/8 4 bar brackets to a Ford 9 inch for a friends bracket racer and so far so good.
Thanks for the review, I am thinking that is the way I will go.
I gotta get out to your place sometime soon to check out those tanks too... ugh, hopefully this week.
Well, been up and down a bit, had a cable modem die last night, so had to replace that, and fix a cousin's laptop. Sold my millermatic 135 to another cousin of mine, and picked up a milermatic 180 this evening. Tomorrow I'll hopefully be wiring up another 230V plug in the garage for it, as it has a 50 amp plug, and the 20 amp setup I ran before was for my compressor...

Anyhow, progress on hold til I have some power....
the upper arms are set at 20 degrees, and that should locate the front axle side to side, I think there may be a little give to it as there are hard rubber bushings on the frame end, and urethane on the axle side... So, I hope it still locates as well as I think it should. Honestly, I'm not going to be taking corners at huge speeds, just some cruising, and straight-line stuff really.

I don't know do you really think that they will hold?? I mean they are only like 2" OD 1/4 wall and go about 600lbs each?? Do you think that's enough? :D

picked up a milermatic 180 this evening.

Yup, really jealous..... I told my buddy the other day if he doesn't come pick up his 210 soon he is going to loose it.... [ddd
I don't know do you really think that they will hold?? I mean they are only like 2" OD 1/4 wall and go about 600lbs each?? Do you think that's enough? :D

Yup, really jealous..... I told my buddy the other day if he doesn't come pick up his 210 soon he is going to loose it.... [ddd

Over that length and what I am asking those arms to do, I think they can handle it :D I know its overkill, but you use what you have available, and I just don't like the puny little arms and heim joint look at all... makes the backside pucker.

I hopefully will have the wiring done tonight so I can at least fire up the welder...
I appreciate the comments!

Well, after a couple days of mulling over what I needed for wiring for the garage, and actually sorting out how to get either an extension cord or have a new plug wired in on the welder itself, the place I bought the welder said they would put the new cord on for free if I buy the SO cable, and end... So I'll be dropping it by there to have them wire it up for a 20 or 25 ft 10GA lead...

So tonight I wired in the 50 Amp plug (All 230V millers have the 50 amp plug now) in the garage, and tested out the welder, and holy crap it has some power... 1/4" thick no problem whatsoever... So far, very happy with the purchase.

Probably won't do much with the truck til next week now, might clean up and organize the garage, as its out of control...

Side note, I got an early B-day/X-mas gift, I'll be doing 8 laps with the Rusty Wallace Racing Experience at Michigan International Speedway sometime next year! I'm pretty stoked about it, one of my dreams was to do this, so I'm quite excited about it!
I would be too....

Side note, I got an early B-day/X-mas gift, I'll be doing 8 laps with the Rusty Wallace Racing Experience at Michigan International Speedway sometime next year! I'm pretty stoked about it, one of my dreams was to do this, so I'm quite excited about it![/QUOTE]

That has to be a thrill and a half..... by the way, good work on the wiring....That's exciting too....:D
Picked up the welder from the shop, they wired in a 25ft 8ga cord on it for me, I figured since its under warranty, I'd let them tear into it rather than fight a battle later if something goes wrong with the welder.

Anyhow, I'm happy, should work awesome now, and no extension cords around or electrical boxes laying on the floor...

Hoping to get back on this project now that the welder issues are all sorted out!
Congrats on the welder.

Having a good welder makes all the difference. We have the 180 autoset at work (aviation, used for making tool fixtures to withstand 1200 lbs of torque) and never had an issue.

I'm in love with my welder. Oops, voices in my head talking outloud again...[;)
I'm definitely excited to get to some finish welding with the new welder, and not having it strain to bite in on thicker materials...

Side note: getting closer to getting a used roush tank.... my backup plan is cutting down the tank I have, and having it welded by a certified welder, really don't want to do that as I will lose a lot of range...
so have you even got to hear this baby run??

I have not done the wiring, was doing the mechanical work first.
Normally I do the wiring and such when its cold out so I can work in the basement.

Still working on a tank, but I'm getting closer I think to getting a used tank.

going to be hitting the front suspension hard this week and next, and hopefully get the thing outside for some pics maybe mock up the grille shell just for fun to see how it looks...
It was a running and driving van before I got it, well, it was all the way up to the point that it rolled on its side... so, fingers crossed. (38,xxx miles on the odo)

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