I ended up making a tool to fit inside the center hinge pin tube. Then I clamped onto it with a pair of vice grips and beat it out. No harm to the hood panels. The pin isn't much worse off than it already was. [ddd I can order new pins if I decide to use all or part of the hood.
I've been hunting for window frame pieces, and have come to the conclusion that to get all the little pieces will cost more than I am willing to invest. Some I can make, but the real question is, do I really need them to start with? What else can I do? Now I really love panel trucks, and sedan deliveries. So, I looked at a bunch of real ones, and different conversions on Google. So many variations. Some nice, some just look like no real thinking was involved. Then there is the issue of me sitting essentially behind the B-pillar when I am wedged into the beast. So, how about a smallish window and fill the rest of the side panels. I played around in PhotoChop for a while, and it looks like it will work. If I can decide which part of the belt line and "hook" behind the quarter window to move, and where. More options. I was also having trouble deciding on how big the little quarter window should be, and how to shape it. Well maybe that is sorted out. I just bid too much on a pair of window garnish molding for a 28/9 coupe. If I win, I will know the shape and size of the new quarter windows.

[clThe other window that needs addressing is the back window. The garnish for the back is more than I just bid on the two quarter window pieces. But, over in the parts bin is a very nice 38 ford PU window garnish, and the cab out in the yard is scheduled to be turned onto a RPU, so there is the outer skin. Its a little wider, and a lot shorter, and not what everyone else has. That has great appeal to me.
When I wake up Monday morning, I'll know if coupe windows are the new order of the day.
The mini-mill is set up and ready to go to work, so I believe I will make some door hinge parts. All I need now is some accurate measurements. These are the towers that attach to the side of the A-pillar. It looks like the two top hinge pieces are the same "height" (actually, the distance from the A-pillar to the outside end of the hinge). So I have an example for the center hinge.
Does anyone have a 28/9 sitting around that they can take a measurement of the bottom hinge for me? 
It would be greatly appreciated.