Crusty Rusty Old Rat Rodder!
Kinda makes you want to stab yourself in the eyes with a sharp stick.
A little high for what it is[S
At least the brother builds cars that are drivable.Bad Chad's brother
At least the brother builds cars that are drivable.
Not sure with some of Chads stuff.
I've been wondering when someone was going to offer an opinion on that creation. Glad to know that I am not the only one watching.Yup that conglomeration he is calling a COE is horrible.
Yup that conglomeration he is calling a COE is horrible.
I've been wondering when someone was going to offer an opinion on that creation. Glad to know that I am not the only one watching.Its kinda' like trying to drive past a wreck, and not look.
My first thought when he started it was, "No, just not a good idea." He is good at it, though. I have to give him that. I laugh at myself when I want to yell at him for some of the $#!T he does. [S
Whoa, I have opinions on this 'artform', but nothing I can repeat out loud.
I guess I can say that he puts a lot of work into making cars look -------- different.