Canadian Rust Bucket
It's one was one of those deals, as soon as it happened, I knew I shouldn't have done that. I'd been really busy busting my butt trying to get my daily truck back together before the bad weather sets in. We've had a string of about 5 days where it's been in the low 60's and dry, and I've been doing everything I can to take advantage of it. The problem is, alot of the little critters have been coming out as well, must think it's spring. In my rushing around and what not, I grabbed the can of Pepsi off the top of my toolbox and took a big belt and made about one step farther. That's when I got stung by a bee that had been the the can. He made it about 6 or 7 inches down my craw before he stung, just about where your collar bone would be, only on the inside. Haven't been stung in years, but when I have, I would swell up quite a bit. Hot!! Man I thought my throat was on fire. Hacked and heaved and coughed but the little bugger wouldn't come out. With my eyes all teared up and my face beet red, I grabbed my keys and beat a hasty retreat for the hospital. Breathing did get restricted some, but not to a critical level. Emerg took me right in and got an IV and a shot of antihistamine. Staff and doctor hovered around me for the next four hours monitoring me. The big concern is a delayed repeat of the swelling. They left in the IV Heplock just incase I have to make a fast return to the emerg, that way there's already a line in place. I'm supposed to get it out tomorrow. They have me on antihistamine pills and some other stuff for 48 hours. Other than a real raw throat at the moment, I should be back to normal by tomorrow. They say "Red Bull gives you wings" Hah!! Try swallowing a live bee! Not that I would recommend it.