"Don't Know" Build start

Rat Rods Rule

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I managed to get enough stuff done around here to get back on my build. Wound up going through three junkyard motors, on an Escort, before getting a good one. It got easier each time.
OK, I got some three inch X 3/8 flat metal for my header flanges. Put the gasket on there and painted it. Made a pretty good pattern. I can't find anyone with a plasma arc cutter so I figured out I can torch the pattern out, fairly close, and use my router, with a rotary file attached, to do the finish work. It sure throws the filings so, I've to get all "safetyized" to do that part. Long sleeves, face shield,.....and a fan. It's hot in Texas.
I finally found some oddball sized U-bolts for the rear end. The semi-local folks here, wanted $55 each to make the U-bolts. I got online and finally found some for $14 a pair. Just a "little" difference in price.
I'm going to try and set the body on this weekend, and see how much all of my measuremants were off. I'll have a stroke if it fits the first time.
That's all for now.


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I've never built headers before so, here's a question for you expierienced builders. How much trouble would it be to build the headers similar to my toy header in the pic?? Is it even posible?? I want something that's not real common and thought of this. Sorry about the poor quality pic.Thanks.


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That would be crazy lookin' for sure but real tough to pull off. One way that comes to mind is the old method of capping one end of the pipe and filling it with sand then weld a cap on the other end. the theory is that you can heat up the pipe and bend it without it collapsing.
To do what you propose would require bending all four at once, so you'd need to weld the ends onto one piece of plate and make some sort of a fixture to hold one end while twisting from the other end - while the whole thing is red hot!! You would need to heat it in a furnace of some sort and have some real protection while doing it - Hey, maybe an old fashioned blacksmith could help out on this ?? It would sure look wild if you could make it happen.....
Yeah, I kind of figured it would not be easy OR cheap. Guess I'll figure out some design just a little "off" from the norm.
I got one of the header flanges pretty much done. The router works real good taking metal off. Control of the rotary file is a lot easier than with the end grinder.


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The flanges came out great. What is a rotary file? Is it like a carbide burr?

The header design looks pretty intense. I'd imagine it would be a pain in the neck to make, but it would look wicked once it's done.

They make ornamental twisted columns that are made out of 4 pieces of round steel tubing. I don't know what they're called, but my local steel supplier carries them. I think they make them on a tubing roller in the same fashion they would make a tubular hand rail for a spiral staircase. The bend radius is pretty tight but the coil spacing is pretty far away. I'll take a picture for you next time I'm at the steel supplier. It might help you with the header.

Good luck on the project! :)
I made a bit of progress the last couple of days. I got the rear bolted up finally. Just had to get the right u-bolts. I can't finish the spring mounts until I can set the body on. I'm going to try to get the whole car to sit as close as possible to as low as the original Ghia. I'll be able to set that by moving the channel on top on the springs. Then mount some shocks and the stabilizer bar. But, I did manage to make the frame rollable. It's taken a long time. Then this morning, I figured out how to get the motor out of my shop without taking the shop apart. It wasn't easy or particularly safe, but it's out.


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Here's what happened this afternoon. I got the motor in the frame. I've got some "tweaking" to do to my engineering but, it went better than I expected. The bolt on the oil filter adapter hits the frame a bit. A little grinding will take care of that. And I'll have to take out the tranny crossmember to pull or stab the eng/trans. Just a hair tight. The engineer must have been sleeping. I'm hoping ground clearance isn't going to be a problem. There might be a homemade oil pan in the future. That's all.


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looking good--keep on at it! i wanna see the ghia-ford (almost sounds like chia-pet:D) rollin down the road in 2024

ok class pay attention....
what do you get when you add a ford courier to a karman-ghia and also add a 429 ford v-8?[S:D

a ghia-ford with tire-frying capabilities!!![cl:cool:
I had to go back to work again so my progress hasn't been real good. But, it's nice to have a paycheck for a change. I managed to get the body on without too much trouble. I can't believe my measurements were actually right on the money. The rear wheels are even centered in the wheel wells. I guess everyone gets lucky sometimes.
I've got a problem with ground clearance. I'm thinking I can take a spare pan and make it wider and shorter. I'd like to keep this thing as low as possible. I can pick the engine up an inch or so but, it may not be enough. And I still have to lower the rear of the thing about two inches. A floorboard of some sort, headers, side pipes, brakes, steering,............... Boy, it's a never ending project ain't it. But, it'll be fun when it's done. Later.


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I got the engine running last weekend. Surprised me actually. It turned over about three times and fired right up. I must be getting better in my older age.
Next step is to trim what's left of the front fenders, to see about a firewall. I'll get the metal for that and the floorboard, next weekend, hopefully. I've got enough old computer cases laying around to build a new oil pan. I'm having a little trouble finding a place that sells a 1 7/8" header kit, without the flanges. If anyone can give me some ideas, I would appreciate it. I've still got to finish the rear suspension and mount rear shocks. I got the window cranks working finally. That's amazing after sitting for 38 years. That's all. :)
It's been a while but, I managed to get a little done. Trimmed off what was left of the fenders and I have a plan for the firewall now. Wasn't too sure until the extra metal got cut away. A donor car, of some sorts, is supposed to be brought over this week for sheet metal and whatever other things look worth keeping. I did a little work for the local scrap man and instead of getting paid, I'll get a complete car to rob. That's all till next time.


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were you still thinking about those crazy headers?
i think its possible and wouldnt be too hard to pull off
but it would take a while.

but - if you used a heavier set of steel pipe I think
you could just heat them up a little bit at a time with
a rosebud and twist them pretty easily - it would just
be very time consuming -- i may try it with some scrap
just to make sure im not crazy

while im thinking about it - - square tubing would make for
a pretty interesting header set up also [S especially
if they were stacked on one another and did a kind of
upside down stairstep at the outlets
I missed a few pics! I'm liking how it looks. One thought I have, not sure it's doable, but the body would flow better if you shaved off the front bump outs on the doors.
cantwell: I'm going to do just a plain set of headers this time. Maybe, if everything works, I can go back and change things. I didn't ever imagine how much work this would be. I'll keep it simple for a while.
Sam: my "donor"car still hasn't showed up so I don't know what kind of sheetmetal is going to be available. But, you are right. It would flow better. I'll just have to wait to see what I get.
I'm working six tens now, so, not much is getting done here. I found a couple of old oil pans that can be cut up to fab a new one up that's not so low. And having trouble finding a header kit with 2" pipe and 4" collectors for a total cut and weld application. Everybody has pre-bent pipe for welding together. That won't work. I'll keep looking. Later.
Sam: my "donor"car still hasn't showed up so I don't know what kind of sheetmetal is going to be available. But, you are right. It would flow better. I'll just have to wait to see what I get.

Doubt you'd need much extra metal, it' will depend more on if the hinges will still fit and the front door post can be trimmed to match.
I bought a header kit, for a big block Chevy, that I thought would have to be cut up and rewelded. But, with a 2" 45s welded to the flanges, they're going to work perfectly. Nice surprize. Also got the material for the sidepipes. I'm going to move the radiator up front of the front axle and lean it to the rear. I've got a rack and pinion coming,with power, cause I'm thinking the stock VW gear box is not going to handle the 429s weight. (rather safe than sorry with the steering). Also, I won't have to put a hole thru that new radiator, for the steering rod. And I got started on the oil pan re-do. I was looking around the place for some decent sheet metal for the pan and spied an old HP computer that got "retired" afew years ago. The sides work perfect. Finally found a use for an HP.
i got layed off last week so if I ever get the honey-dos done, I'll have time to get a little more done.


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Not much done here. I got a set of front coil over shocks installed. It picked the front up about two inches. I'll have to wait and see if I still have to rebuild the oil pan. I gotta put the radiator back on it first. Got some adjustment left on the shocks too.
I got the old steering gear removed and figured out how to mount the rack and pinion.Not a bad deal I think. 39 bucks for the assembly with inner tie rods. I am going to offset it to the left about two inches, so the steering rod can be run without a lot of trouble. I've already got a pump. Just have to fab up a mount.
And I've got the headers and side pipes figured out and measured. A pipefitter buddy is suposed to come by and do some fitting and tacking for me. (if he can get out of the beer joint long enough) lol.
That's all.


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I got the rack and pinion finished finally. The outter tie rod ends were too big for the holes of the VW. A tapered hand reamer fixed that. I had to cut the left hand inner tie rod and rethread. About two inches too long. Made the pump brackets and adjusters. I'm still looking for a single groove, three bolt pulley for the pump. I've got one here somewhere.... Moved the radiator to the very front and leaned it back a little. It gives a lot more room around the front of the engine. I've got to come up with four universals for the steering shaft now. That may have to wait til I get back to work. Them things ain't cheap. 47 bucks each.:eek: That's all.


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