Don't tempt fate! Motorbike rider dies protesting helmet laws!

Rat Rods Rule

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Personally , I don't think helmet laws are constitutionaly legal, but I do think it's foolish to ride without one. But I don't ride either.
its possible Im a fool

couple years back I hit a deer . killed the deer and I walked away from it. thought I would always wear my helmut after that. thought about even selling my bike. today still ride and not much makes me feel better and I think I wear my helmut less than I use to. dont really understand it
Do those half helmets offer any real protection, or are they just to skirt the law?

I would probably fall into the fools category if I did ride. Then again I have a problem with wind on my ears.
if the half helmuts have a dot sticker they should be good for something but wouldnt do much for your face. I always figered there wasnt anyway to really ride safe so if it was my time it was my time but after hitting the deer and sliding down the road I was surprised at how quick I healed. which makes the intelligent choice to wear a helmut . I like feeling a certain amount of freedom when I go down the road. on a bike I can allmost do it leagally. in a new car I gotta go about 70mph. in an old ford pickup I only need to go about 50 mph and I feel like king of the road.
While I understand how constricting and hot it must be to wear a helmet, with today's traffic and idiots on the road it is pretty dangerous to not wear one. I understand how much more free it must feel to have the wind in your hair, but with a bike it is a matter of WHEN you will lay down one, not IF you will lay it down. Pavement is pretty hard on the noggin.

That man dying will probably not bode well for getting the laws in NY changed now.


I ride, sometimes I wear, biggest concern is that helmets block some vison and sound, half helmet works, well for half my head. People die wearing them, people die not wearing them.
Haft helmet save my life once. I had a lady put out in front of me and stop. I ended up hitting her in the PS door and flew over the handle bars hitting my head on the top of the door glass opening sending me into her car and hitting her in the side of the head with my head/helmet. She was not so lucky.

When my head hit the top of the door I dented the door opening and the roof rail. All I had was a sore neck and shoulder. I will not ride without one.
i don't think it should be a law we need to support Darwinism a little lol

my uncle was ran over by a car on his dirt bike when he was 18 (he went to cross the highway at night and the bike quit the person driving the car didnt see him) i don't think a helmet would have saved him but it couldn't have hurt i also lost one of my idols when he hit a deer on his Harley im sure a helmet could have saved him and another friend riding a 500cr down the mountain when his brakes went out luckily he had his helmet on or else i know he'd be dead the rocks put huge gouges in his helmet and he had major road rash everywhere else

i don't ride many bikes on the pavement but i do ride a dirt bike once and while, when its not broken lol and i ride 200x three wheeler (there not as some people say) i usually don't wear a helmet when im casually riding it but when i want to go hill climbing i throw on a helmet and im glad i did the other day i tried to climb a big hill on the 200x and ran out of power and it don't have any front brakes so i ended up rolling backward and tried to turn it around and get it going downhill but i was in panic mode so forgot shift my weight uphill and boom it rolled over me twice and rolled to bottom of the hill luckily i only got 3 scrapes on my legs and one bruise the 200x suffered a broken headlight and sever case of flooding but i push started her for a while with WOT she fired and i rode it home i was lucky! but im going to get a front brake and rebuild it with a 12:1 piston and make that hill my BITCH i ain't scared of that s.o.b. maybe im just crazy and a little stupid

im surprised no one said anything about Gary Busey lol
A helmet just makes a bike ride safer, not safe. If you want fully safe, you'll take a heavy car, or preferably, stay at home.

The irony of this accident is that the protest was not against helmets, but against the helmet law.

Helmets today, boots tomorrow, body armour next year, motorcycle air-bags in five years. See where this is going? Peolle have been protesting for decades against big-brotherism, and come the day they decide ALL hot rods need air-bags retrofitted I guess many guys will all protest that too, even though you know they are safe.

It is all about freedom of choice, which is why we build and drive hot rods, not late model sedans.
I have mixed feelings about helmet use. I used to live to ride my old shovelhead and never wore a helmet. I wasn't on a bike for 20 years or so and then rode borrowed bikes a couple times in the last 2 years and don't feel comfortable at all out on the road. It is inherently dangerous with or without the proper gear. It bothers me more to see some young person on a crotch rocket with shorts, tanktop and flipflops than it does to see a rider without head protection. Or to see someone riding with no eye protection. I always figured it was what was on the inside of your head that would keep you alive, not what you strapped on the outside.
I also spent a few years riding and racing the big 2 stroke 4 wheelers and wouldn't think of saddling up without all my safety gear.
big can of worms

People can debate helmet laws forever and not everyone will agree,.....

But what really makes me stand back and say HMMMMMMMMMmmmmmm, are the people that alway qoute " I would never ride a motocycle because so and so got killed on one back in ,...." then I watch them get in a car and drive away. ( We all know people die in car crashes but somehow our minds lead us to believe we are safe because be are buckled in )

Oh well, Happy 4th everyone, I'm going riding! Might wear my helmet might not depends on where I head and if I think the cage driver are safe enough to ride near without one.
I wear a helmet because I understand the risks, but I dont want a law that makes me. Im opposed to most laws that protect you from yourself.
snake hit the nail on the head, I have been riding for years and yes I ride a R1, a sport bike and yes I have layed mine down a few times. I always wear a brain bucket but in michigan it is the law. besides I told my wife my pretty face is my money maker.;);):D:D
People tend to forget, riding vehicles is a priviledge, not a right. I use to ride and I've even crashed, but I always wore a helmet because it was the safe thing to do.
I wear a helmet because I understand the risks, but I dont want a law that makes me. Im opposed to most laws that protect you from yourself.

I hear ya with this one! To drive a bicycle here, you have to wear a helmet or $125.00 fine, if it's a kid, the parents get the fine.
Seatbelts, don't wear 'em, $85.00 the first time
Smoking with underage kids in the car/truck,$100.00,
It's not that I don't agree, but it's being told what to do and why "someone' thinks we need to be treated like a bunch of kids, but then I've always not a big fan of authority.

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