Dudes... would you *ever* admit this?!?

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Older and more rusted every day!
RRR Supportor
May 10, 2007
Central Tejas
Tripper Jr is on another board & a guy posts this...

I was 24 (so roughly 8 years of car ownership) before I finally figured out that this means "switch the positions of all 4 tires on your car for equally distributed wear" and not "jack the car up and manually spin the tires for no apparent reason".

Really? Sometimes it's better to keep yuor mouth (or keyboard) closed and let people think you are an idiot than it is to open it and remove all doubt.
I still haven't figured out what goes in that 7I0 cap.

Yeah, that is pretty lame. Everybody knows you only jack up one side of the car at a time, THEN spin the tires. Safety comes first, you know.:p:):)

Admitting your Faults

Quote: (I think I knew that when I was born. Didn't you guys. I will admit most of my faults but sometimes volunteering too much information is not smart.)

My fault is that I'm never wrong unless my wife says so... which now a days is all the time.
frank, your statement reminds me of the age old philisophical question.....if a man makes a statement in the woods and his wife is not there to hear it, is he still wrong?[S:confused:[S:confused:

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