rockb1, I'm sorry to hear your bad news
and I too wish there were something we could do. Six years is no short time by today's standards. The chain effect is truly frightening, isn't it! I've been trying to keep track of where people around here are picking up work after being laid off, but it seems as though it's pretty tight around here as doubt Michigan is being hit hardest, first though. If a guy had a million bucks and a great idea, they would have no troubles starting a new company and snagging up some of this countries best employees. Energy (coal, ethanol, etc), Health Care, Insurance and perhaps auto mechanics are the safest jobs from what I can tell. I included auto mechanics since obviously noone is buying cars now, so people need to replace more stuff on the ones they have...seemed logical?
We've been down the same path as you are considering by contacting Washington. If we even got a response it amounted to nothing more than the typical political BS promises "...the new administration..." blah, blah, blah. It sucks being so helpless, it's just not in guys like ours' nature to be vulnerable to other peoples' misfortune and stupidity.
I started this thread for all the guys on here, and especially for you who need our support and a place to vent frustration with the current recession. My advice on unemployment: stay away from the COBRA insurance plan, you're a young guy and can get cheaper ins anywhere. My wife checked out all local agencies and found that American Family had an intermediate plan that cost us $1150 for SIX months. COBRA will cost you $975 EACH MONTH for a family plan! OUCH! Pray for snow...unemployment does not deduct for receiving cash for removing snow, lawn care, etc. Every $ counts big!
Hang in there, we're all here to listen to you vent, throw out other ideas to help the situation, maybe there's even someone in Michigan who knows of some potential jobs for you. Wish I could help you more, but just remember that you're not alone!