Well. I guess if I lived long enough it would happen one day.
Torchie may have bitten off more then he can chew.

I knew the DS rocker was a mess on the Caddy. Just how bad a mess....well not quite.

Started by cutting out the rust. Not much left but the sills.....

The A and B pillar areas are still solid. The C pillar on the other hand......

That rusted out pice I'm holding is whats left of the factory rocker extension.
I started to trim the replacement s3kin as it's just a generic one. More or less.
Got that screwed into place and then went to the rocker extension that fits under the bulge in the rear door.
It's shear luck that these were in the trunk along with the trim and a couple of new dog legs.

None of them are made any more. As far as my research has shown.
I will start by rebuilding the C pillar bottom and dog leg.
Then I will move forward and get the rocker skin on. Then the extension.
After that I will move inward to the floor.
That's the plan. One bite at a time.
Oh.... Did I mention I need to be on the floor to do most of this work.

We shall see.
Keep on keeping on......
p.s. Lucky my brother has his 52 for reference. This is what the C pillar/dog leg should look like.