Endless BS thread

Rat Rods Rule

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Man, rough day here fellas....rough day. Saturday is the day I hang out with my dad and piddle with the cars, or just look at them and shoot the breeze plotting and planning. Instead I spent the day at the hospital as he is hooked up to a ventilator barely bhanging on to life, The doc says if he can make it through the next 72 hours, his chances of survival will be much better. I hope he knows we were there.
Man, rough day here fellas....rough day. Saturday is the day I hang out with my dad and piddle with the cars, or just look at them and shoot the breeze plotting and planning. Instead I spent the day at the hospital as he is hooked up to a ventilator barely bhanging on to life, The doc says if he can make it through the next 72 hours, his chances of survival will be much better. I hope he knows we were there.

He knows.... hang in there, we are thinking of you both.
preacher...its hot here brother, but you and I both know it could be hotter...but we aint going there(literally)! Thank God! If you need help brother give me a call, i need to get away from the shop sometimes.
Man, rough day here fellas....rough day. Saturday is the day I hang out with my dad and piddle with the cars, or just look at them and shoot the breeze plotting and planning. Instead I spent the day at the hospital as he is hooked up to a ventilator barely bhanging on to life, The doc says if he can make it through the next 72 hours, his chances of survival will be much better. I hope he knows we were there.

Sorry to hear this Bill. Hope all goes well and you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I believe your pop can hear you also so keep talking to him and help pull him through this ordeal.....cr
Man, rough day here fellas....rough day. Saturday is the day I hang out with my dad and piddle with the cars, or just look at them and shoot the breeze plotting and planning. Instead I spent the day at the hospital as he is hooked up to a ventilator barely bhanging on to life, The doc says if he can make it through the next 72 hours, his chances of survival will be much better. I hope he knows we were there.

Deffinitely praying for your dad and you. We are spiritual creatures, it's part of the soul. If you sit silently with him, hold his hand and tell him how much you love him he will "feel" it in his soul. God bless you.
Sorry for the lack of an update fellas, it's just been so hectic the last few days I have not had the time or energy. First of all, thanks for the thoughts, prayers, well wishes and concern. Let me give a synopsis of the events. I'll try to be brief but still cover the main points.

Sat at approx 5:00 AM - My dad went to the hospital with severe trouble breathing and pain in his upper abdomen. (the man NEVER complains so I know it was bad) They admitted him to the hospital and drained some fluid from his lungs but misdiagnosed the problem as a possible gastro reflux issue. Given his medical history I don't see how this could have happened.

Sat at approx. 5:00 PM he had a full blown heart attack while in his hospital bed. (Note: It saved his life that he was at the hospital when this happened even though it could have been avoided with a correct diagnosis).

Sat at approx 9:00 PM - The surgeon appeared in the waiting room and called the family aside (me, my mom, and my brother) and said I'm sorry, I did all I could do but he's on life support. His heart is too weak to recover, and there is no indication that it will get any stronger. Be prepared for him to expire in the next few days while hooked to the machines.

I'll skip all the details and fast forward to this morning. My dad was sitting up in bed and asking me if I figured out a way to adapt his 60 Plymouth steering wheel to the GM column in his 51 Mercury. Amazing!

He's not quite out of the woods yet as his heart is still weak and fluid builds in his lungs as a result, but he is getting stronger and the doctors and surgeons keep visiting his room, checking on him saying that they can't believe it.

That's where we are at as of now. I told him today that I hope I'm half as tough as he is when I'm supposed to be dead ha ha.

Anyways, thanks again to all you guys. I appreciate it. I'll keep you updated when I can.
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Working outdoors today. Its only going to 102!!!! Should have listened to my mom and become a doctor.. who knows. I coulda been a world renown gynecologist!!!![cl

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