Endless BS thread

Rat Rods Rule

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Working outdoors today. Its only going to 102!!!! Should have listened to my mom and become a doctor.. who knows. I coulda been a world renown gynecologist!!!![cl

That reminds me of a joke but I think I'll just let it be [ddev. Oh and so far, so good with my dad fellas. Now some doctors want to examine him just to try to figure out how he survived. My dad just wants to go home.
not bad. it is only 96*f here inside the shop in the shade!:eek: oh, and the humidity is at 71 today. :cool: My work for the day was busting and mounting 4 H1 hummer tires with split bead lock rims and run flat inserts! good thing I am quitting next week!
Glad to hear that your Dad's doing well...

That reminds me of a joke but I think I'll just let it be [ddev. Oh and so far, so good with my dad fellas. Now some doctors want to examine him just to try to figure out how he survived. My dad just wants to go home.

Why can't doctors just be glad he's doing well? Maybe the big guy upstairs has other plans for your pop.... in any event, glad he's doing good.....[cl
some doctors want to examine him just to try to figure out how he survived. My dad just wants to go home.

Prayer works and doctors just can't admit it! Jesus has given you and your Dad alittle more time together, make the most of it.:)
What a great day! Just finished assembling a playset about 2 minutes before the rain started. And to top off a fine afternoon, my friends from Nigeria informed me I won 900,000 pounds! [cl Life is good my friends! :D
You mean I shouldn't have sent them my banking info, social security# and my original birth certificate?[S. They seemed like such nice people!:D
you so funny guy......

You mean I shouldn't have sent them my banking info, social security# and my original birth certificate?[S. They seemed like such nice people!:D

Gotta love their ability to find the morons... I'm sorry, the victims of these scams...... should be politically correct.....[S
WHAT! They sent my Census form back AGAIN! In response to the question:"Do you have any dependents? " I replied-"12 million illegal immigrants, 3 million crack heads, 8.5 million unemployed people, 7 million in prisons, millions in every state collecting welfare and/or food stamps with no intentions of ever working, and 535 useless people in the U.S. House and Senate. Apparently, this was NOT an acceptable answer!
Just took my 10 year old fishing in the stream by our house. He caught his first large mouth bass. Can't get the smile off his face! Of course I left my phone at home so no pics. No fish story either.:eek:
went to my 20 year class reunion yesterday... 5 of the 15 showed up...alot has changed in the last 20 years for those poor folks, glad i'm still the same guy i was...:D:D:D:D:D
how can there be no BS for a week?

A priest dies and is waiting in line at the Pearly Gates. Ahead of him is a guy who's dressed in sunglasses, a loud shirt, leather jacket, and jeans.

Saint Peter addresses this cool guy, 'Who are you, so that I may know whether or not to admit you to the Kingdom of Heaven ? '

The guy replies, 'I'm Jack, retired airline pilot from Houston.'

Saint Peter consults his list. He smiles and says to the pilot, 'Take this silken robe and golden staff and enter the Kingdom.' The pilot goes into Heaven with his robe and staff.

Next, it's the priest's turn. He stands erect and booms out, 'I am Father Bob, pastor of Saint Mary's for the last 43 years.'

Saint Peter consults his list. He says to the priest, 'Take this cotton robe and wooden staff and enter the Kingdom.

'Just a minute,' says the good father. 'That man was a pilot and he gets a silken robe and golden staff and I get only cotton and wood. How can this be?

'Up here - we go by results,' says Saint Peter. 'When you preached - people slept. When he flew, people prayed.'
I rode with that taxi driver when I was down in Brazil a few years ago. White knuckles the whole way. After I got out and as I was handing him the fare I called him crazy in Protuguese...he just laughed and drove off.

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