Global warming

Rat Rods Rule

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I keep saying that Al Gore is pure genius !!!!!!!! :D:D


Umm..... according to the movie "The day after tomorrow" the world actually got colder from global warming.

I think it was National Geographic that had a short story recently that mentioned that same thing. It gave the reason why it would work out that way, and it has nothing to do with mankind at all. The cycle has happened time and again for eons, we didn't creat it, we're not going to stop it, we're only going for the ride. But...mankind is tech smart enough to likely survive it relatively intact this time. In ten thousand years when it gets to the peak freeze point, it might get a bit crowded around the equator. Natural selection will kick in big time I would think.:eek: Enjoy your lifetime while you can.;)
Our record high for yesterday here, was actually set in 1954
The only reason they keep hollering global warming is for the shock and fear factor. This is how they get the largest and easiest money out of the general population [S
Let there pockets get a little low or a new agenda and there will be something else to scare us with :mad:
Wait and see [P
Sorry rainman, you wanted to know where the global warming jokes went :eek:
Dadgum soap box anyway :eek:
Our record high for yesterday here, was actually set in 1954
The only reason they keep hollering global warming is for the shock and fear factor. This is how they get the largest and easiest money out of the general population [S
Let there pockets get a little low or a new agenda and there will be something else to scare us with :mad:
Wait and see [P
Sorry rainman, you wanted to know where the global warming jokes went :eek:
Dadgum soap box anyway :eek:

Keep telling yourself that!!

BTW, we set another one today!!
They don't REALLY knowfor certain... they don't have records for very long....
Besides, the methods of determining what happened in the past, may or may not have anything to do with what happens in the future with this rock we are living on...
They don't REALLY knowfor certain... they don't have records for very long....
Besides, the methods of determining what happened in the past, may or may not have anything to do with what happens in the future with this rock we are living on...

They do know were losing polar icecaps at an alarming rate!
That should be enough to make us pay attention!!
They do know were losing polar icecaps at an alarming rate!
That should be enough to make us pay attention!!

When I moved to Anchorage in 1985, Portage Glacier was just a couple hundred yards from the visitor center. When I left in 2001 it had receded about a mile and you couldn't even see it from the visitors center anymore.
You been holdin out on us Doc??
Nice sedan!!

Uh, yes and no.

Yes. It's my car, my yard and my snow. :D

And no. The project came to a dead stop before I arrived here, so I haven't started a build thread. I don't recall if I mentioned it in my intro? [S Anyhow, I could work up a few pics and explain my plans for it if you like.
What we are experiencing is weather. And local weather at that. Climate change is measured in decades and centuries. I've read a lot of info on this stuff and I've decided big money has destroyed any chance for the truth to come out.

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