Goodbye to a good friend.

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
May 11, 2007
fort myers florida
Today I had to make one of the toughest decisions of my life........I had to let the Vet put my one cat Scooter to sleep. She started bleeding last Friday night and we took her to the emergency hospital. They gave her a shot and some medicine we had to give her every 12 hours, but last night she was almost in a coma. I thought she would die in her sleep last night.

But this morning she was alert, but started bleeding again, so I took her to a cat hospital. Bottom line, she is 15 years old and they suspect kidney problems and don't think even blood transfusions and lots of workups will help. So I had to tell them to put her to sleep. I'm really broken up over it, crying like a baby, but I love that cat. I hope and pray I made the right decision, I just don't want to see her suffer any more.

I consider all of you on here my friends, and had to tell you. Thanks for letting me vent.



Sorry to hear it Don. It is always sad, but I have gone through it with horses and dogs before and I know how hard it is to let them go.
Sorry to hear about your cat. I've had to make that decision a couple of times and it's never easy. Just rest assured that Scooter is no longer in any pain and is not suffering. You did the right thing!
Thanks everyone for the kind words. I know in my heart it had to be this way, but it sure hurts.:(

I went to the shop and brought Sniffy the other cat home with me. She has never been without Scooter and was looking all over for her. Dan already has 3 cats here, but one more won't hurt I guess. She is exploring my room right now and seems to be happy.

Again, I appreciate the shoulders to cry on.

My heart goes out to you Don. It's the hardest decision to have to make. Take solice in knowing that she is not suffering or in any pain any longer. She ALWAYS live in your heart.
don, you did the right thing. i assume you gave that cat the best life a cat could have. it sure looked happy to me! you did the best thing for him not to let him suffer. sorry for you loss...
Thanks guys. Yeah, I've had better days than today, that's for sure. But I'm starting to understand and put it into perspective a little more now. Darned pets can be the greatest joys and the greatest hurts you can have sometimes.

Oh well, life goes on.

Sorry to hear....

Sorry to hear of your loss, Don.
It is never easy, but you know you did the right thing for Scooter's sake.
Hang in there.. '22
I'm very sorry to hear this Don, I too know how it feels to have to let a good friend go like that. It does get better and they become a life time of great memories.
Sorry to hear about Scooter. You did the right thing. Better for her to be out of suffering. I know how you feel. Last year our female passed in her sleep & just a couple of weeks ago we had to put her brother to sleep. Others say they're only pets but, they become like your kids.
It's really tough to have to put a long time pet down. I know how you feel Don, it really hurts. I had to have my dog put down for health reasons some years ago. When I took her in, the vet gave me the choice to be with the dog while they euthanized her or to just leave her. I thought that it would be better to stay with the old girl so she wouldn't be so afraid of what was happening to her. Well I can tell you that watching the dog die in my lap turned out to be a lot tougher than I thought it would be. It bothered me for quite a while. That being said, it still had to be done and the dog was no longer suffering. It doesn't make it any easier I know but you did the humane thing Don.
Don, really sorry to hear this. I always enjoyed the pics and stories about her. You did the right thing. Shes in a better place.
Hello Don,

Sorry for your loss. I totally understand your relationship with close friend. They give you undying love & only ask for a bit of attention, food & water...

Your friend is in a better place - you made the correct decision.

Paul aka/ Ratty 46
Thank you everyone. I'm a little better now than I was this afternoon, but I still get twinges of "did I do the right thing?"

Bill, they offered me the option of being there too, and I am just too chicken. I should have, I know, but I just couldn't. When we had to have our Doberman put to sleep years ago my then Wife and Dan were with her to the end, but it left a bad feeling with them. My Ex called me today to offer condolences and she said it still haunts her.

I hate to keep this line of conversation up, but I just can't think about much else. :(

Don, sorry to hear of your loss, I have raised all kinds of animals all my life and know what you are going through, I don't know how you feel, but I do know how I have felt doing the same thing. But believe me you did the right thing. It's just no good to see a good friend suffer, animal or human.
I am so sorry to hear about the cat. Our animals are a part of our everyday lives and they depend on us for so much we do them too... they are our children. You did the right thing. Again, I am so sorry.

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