''Rusty Mopar Slacker''
pops i got some mid 70's alabama plates, if it will stop raining long enough i'll see what i got.
toadster thanks I mark Alabama off. Thanks.
Rain? what the heck is that?
pops i got some mid 70's alabama plates, if it will stop raining long enough i'll see what i got.
I was going to offer a newer AL plate, but looks like you've got it covered.
I will try to get it in the mail in the next few days. I-R.
Oldest Canadian ones I have are the 70's I think but if that will do ill gladly send one.
IRPOPS it's in the mail, should be there by Thursday, if not here's the tracking #9114901230803963676503
We will get pix when the wall is finished, yes?[cl
Misfit, the old calif. is an odd size had to do priority mail for a big enough envelope and the cost was $5.85 including the envelope.
I hope when my grandson needs something the old car guys well help out. I'm a late starter, my grandson is one month old this week [cl I'll only be 84 when he can drive, may be here may not [S
Make sure Caleb pays it forward some day[cl
I sent you a 75 and a 2012 in the mail today Pops and yes would love to see his wall
i met caleb
smart and polite boy
i like him.
gonna grow up to be a good man
Cost me $ 3.50 to send the Kentucky plate today. BTY its a 1970 tag.
Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska,
New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio,
Oregon, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
Thank you all!!!
Pops your mail lady is going to say What are you ordering ???????????I bet you will have a bunch of packages in a few days
If somebody else doesn't come up with a Louisiana plate soon, I ran across one in my pile but didn't realize it was one still needed. I sent the others out already but will gladly send another if one from there doesn't show soon.
Seems like interest is fading in this project.