How to get back at your kids

Rat Rods Rule

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A really rusty biker
May 11, 2007
Unwet side of Washington
My mother-in-law passed away unexpectedly two weeks ago, she was 81 but still going strong. My father-in-law passed away around six years ago.

They lived in the same house for 40+ years and never ever ever ever threw anything away. Combine that with storing loads of stuff in the basement and then add a mouse infestation to the basement.

My wife and I had the pleasure of cleaning the basement which included a large family room, two good sized bedrooms a spacious laundry room and a small work shop. We filled a 6 yard dumpster just from the basement which, I am sure included several pounds of mouse poop and at last count 25 mouse carcasses.

Then we filled the dumpster again from stuff in the garage. It's a good thing we were on vacation this past week. And there is still much more work to be done.

So if you want to drive your kids crazy just do what my in laws did. Never throw anything away. :rolleyes:
So if you want to drive your kids crazy just do what my in laws did. Never throw anything away. :rolleyes:

My Dad wasn't that bad but he really had a thing for tools & car parts. He had at least 3 or 4 or every tool imaginable. He also had car parts for cars he hadn't owned for 30 years. His house wasn't that bad but his garage was a real chore. I do have quite a lot of tools now though... some I don't even know what they're for!!! Being a Realtor... believe me... I have seen some things you would not *even* believe! Seen many hoarders homes after they passed!!! :D:D:D

My grandfather-in-law had a massive industrial lathe in his basement. Required disassembly into about 20 pieces to get it out. Took 3 of us over 2 days to take it apart and move it. Some pieces were still well over 200lbs. I have no idea how he got it down there - I'm sure he did it by himself - he was an engineer.

The only thing I ever saw that he had turned was about the size of a coffee cup!! :p
One time I pointed to all the car crap I have hanging and stored in our shop and said to my Sons, "Some day this will be all yours guys." They said "You better never die Dad, we don't want to have to deal with all this junk":eek::)

Good luck with cleaning out your Wife's Mom's place, I feel for you.

I have lived here for twenty years plus as a car tool horder and have decited to move WOW moved out some truck loads than see another layer and 17 more trucks go out last month boy I still have a lot of $4!t uh tools and parts.
I have let those in line who to call for info and value or ANY scrap guy will clean this place very well for free no hasle if needed.

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