we're not getting the 40's temperatures, but usually 31°C is a hot day for us, and in recent years we can sometimes only get 4-5 days in the 30's all year.
Lytton B.C. hit 49 C yesterday (120 F), third all time recorded high day for Canada in a row and likely the same or hotter today. More than 200 heat related deaths in B.C. during this heat wave, lots of people don't have AC in their homes here 'cause this just doesn't happen here (till now). First responders are stretched to the max, can't keep up with the 911 calls, they barely had a break from Covid and we're just at the start of summer....
Here in west central Fla it is the usual 70 in the morning, 90's by afternoon, then the T storms. This puts a damper, (pun) on the car shows, which there are several for the 4th weekend. The cars and Coffee morning shows will be fine.
But 20 miles north of me is an all day show and barbecue, so I have the Rain X ready
If the heat is bad where you are, I have been studying this climate theory thing, and the natural cycles will be an ice age. So keep the green radiator juice handy....for 2321...
Here in the Upper Midwest we had a very wet spring followed by a drought-like early summer with lots of heat. Last week it rained for four days, allowing the lawns to recover. Now it is tropical again.
No record breaking heat like some of you are suffering with though.
We've had four days of 40* C or 104* F in a row now, but today isn't quite as bad. This kind of heat usually brings on thunderstorms, maybe tonight we'll get some moisture.
We've had four days of 40* C or 104* F in a row now, but today isn't quite as bad. This kind of heat usually brings on thunderstorms, maybe tonight we'll get some moisture.
Here we go...Tropical storm Elsa with possible strengthening coming my way, hopefully the wind speeds stay in the forecast range of 45mph, I am 40 miles inland.
I have a huge camphor tree, an old barn, an old Chevy under the old barn lean to, and hurricane shingles. Can't be as bad as Irma was...I hope...