I saw this the other day. It's all there, 289 and 99% rust free. I've got dreams of LS restomod, big fat tires and everything bouncing around in my head. Somebody talk me down....please!
I see the guys are all here to help you resist the temptation to buy the that cool wagon.
Well done guys![cl[cl[cl
I wouldn't want to be a bad influence on your consideration about buying that really cool little wagon, so I'm not going to tell you that I think you should just go ahead and buy it. [ddd
[cl[cl[cl You guy's are funny! Good thing this isn't an AA Forum.
I think I'd go the Tripper Route like he did with his AMC longroof.
I do have an old TPI motor in storage that has a 700 R4 hanging off the back of it. If I remember correctly, it's an 88 L-98 from a Vette with 87k miles on it.
Some quick research tells me there's plenty of support for Larks and it does have a full frame so I'd guess it'd be possible to do just about anything with it.
Right now my biggest obstacle is time and I don't have anywhere to put/hide it.