I told you guys that I was thinking of quitting trucking. Well, I was not lying this time. The truck was making me a few thousand play tickets a year, and I had started my summer gravel projects.
I was going west, down the four-lane highway, loaded, when and oldish red Dodge pickup pulled out of a side road slowly in front of me. I kept veering to my right to go around the front of him, but he kept on coming, never looking east into the oncoming traffic. I hit him broadside in the front tire and fender, this pinwheeled him around and I think I ran over the back corner of his truck with my drivers, because suddenly, I was going on and angle and couldn't steer. It was like those circus drivers that can go around on two wheels, only I was on fire too. I flopped down on my drivers side and slid some more spreading the gravel as slick as you please, down the pavement. The flip front hood was open about a foot so I could see the flames around the motor, and I felt sorry for it and it sounded like it was revving past the governor so I found the key and shut it off, [saving the motor]. Then I realised that I'd lost my hat so I started looking for it, this is when I came to my senses, somewhat, maybe I should get out of here. Whoooa, the pavement is about two inches away from my drivers window, so plan B. I reached up and grabbed the passenger door handle and the door opened nicely, upwards, meaning that I was a little bit stronger than usual and the cab wasn't twisted at all. I had to put my dirty work boots on the seats to get up out of there; I still wasn't thinking that it didn't matter anymore. I was surprised that there was no exhaust pipe there on the passenger side, so I just jumped down from the back corner of the cab. The missing exhaust pipe was nestled up to the other pipe, lying on the pavement. I must have lost my balance a bit when I hit the pavement and reached back to steady myself and burnt the tips of three fingers on the muffler. As I was trotting away through the meridian ditch something blew up and a little piece of hot metal got me on the elbow and burnt a hole in my shirt and skin.
The pictures are before and after, [the tow truck had already tipped the truck up before I thought to take a picture]. I threw in a picture of a '96 KW that a had for quite a while.
Anyhow, that finishes my trucking career, I think.