Dr Crankenstein
Rocket Surgeon
That sucks the humour out of it. 
I lost a good friend to lung cancer a few weeks ago... not funny at all...
I lost a good friend to lung cancer a few weeks ago... not funny at all...
Both of my parents smoked - a lot - the entire time I lived with them. I remember trying to crack the window to get a little fresh air and my dad yelling to shut the d@*n window. I would do it real slow and stick my nose at the crack and hope he wouldn't catch me. He always did. They both died from lung cancer, imagine that [S
That sucks the humour out of it.
I lost a good friend to lung cancer a few weeks ago... not funny at all...
it's coming to you're house now
Sometimes the truth hurts hahahaha![]()
Sometimes we get out of the driveway. That's where F.O.R.D. Found On Road Dead comes from.[ddd