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Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2010
Okay I have not been on these forums for some time and I am sorry. I had some issues come up and sold my project followed by some other family issues and priorities changed of course.....On to my dilemma
I am 22 and I have a wife and daughter. I am not your typical 22 year old....Im not out drinking and partying all the time and I a very responsible. I have been working as a machine operator at a local manufacturing plant for over 3 years and as far as pay and benefits its a great job. the problem is that we made housing products and the housing industry is crap so things were really starting to get rough around there, also I never wanted to start working at a big corporation because I like small businesses and the environment. All the employees at this place have been getting really fed up and nearly everyone is looking for a way out. I put in my 2 weeks because I just couldn't handle it anymore. I am now out of work and I have an opportunity to take a job as an apprentice fabricator at a very small growing local shop(www.kunzeng.com). I love fabrication and always wished I had the opportunity to get my foot in the door just like this. The problem is that I was making 17 an hour at the old crap hole and this place wants to start me out at 12 until the see how well I fit in at the company. Also they do not currently offer benefits so health insurance is going to be pricey on my own. I have other interviews coming up but not in anything I'm interested in.

Take the opportunity Ive been waiting for my whole life or back to the grind?
My grandpa was a farmer and busted his ass but he said he loved his job and he never worked a day in his life.

Please offer any advice possible. I could really use some of these skills woring on some of my rat rod projects.
"if you find a job you love, you'll not work a day in your life" was a phrase that came to my mind...

i know that in reality, even a job you love will occasionally have "bad days"
i will get blasted for this i'm sure, but i've never had a health plan with any job i've had & may never have one--we just get by and sometimes the DR's get a little ugly, but we pay their bills when we can a little at a time...

all job changes require some risk-even taking a job with more pay takes a risk if you like the job you're at- i say sit down with the wife and ask her opinion before going "out on a limb".., believe me you need her support either way, but if it were me....(i say this with caution) i would follow my heart to a job i liked even if i didn't have as much money..... but in my defense i've always been "poor" so money isn't usually my top priority as long as i can keep my family fed, i don't care to have the fanciest house or the latest styles.....

i hope some of this ramble constitutes as "advice" now whether you listen to me or someone else it won't hurt my feelings either way....this is just my 2 cents
Great advice guys! My wife really wants me to get a job doing what I love. Ive always had to separate work and my love for modifying and building stuff from nothing. This is a great opportunity. I also came from a family that grew up with nothing and just got by.
Tomorrow I have to talk t them so I will know for sure. They are established yet small. they only employ 4 people full time, owner, owners wife, owners son-engineer, 1 full-time fabricator/assembler.
If you can start doing what you love now you can spare yourself years of dreading going to work everyday. What you learn from this opportunity can prepare you for having your own business eventually. Only you know if you can make it on the starting pay however.
I know we can afford to make less money but its my hobbies that will suffer I feel. Ill just have to tighten up the budget.
Yer projects might lack for a while but yer sanity wont. If you love yer work then its worth it. You will just end up being stressed with money as you are now. Sounds like yer new job will be fun and eventually you will get the money situation were it needs to be. RR
If you can survive on the pay cut I would take the job. I would see if you can get the possible pay raise based on them being happy with your work in writing. At your age now is the time if you want to change occupations. Having a skill like you are thinking of is a wise choice. Good luck!
I know we can afford to make less money but its my hobbies that will suffer I feel. Ill just have to tighten up the budget.

Your hobbies are after all, hobbies and hobbies can wait. I had three kids and had to wait until they were all out of the house before I could get back to hot rodding.

I've been in the workforce for almost 50 years and have taken some chances by changing careers and jobs during that time. Some have worked out great and I fell flat on my face a bunch or other times, but I was always trying to do the best thing for myself and my family.

A little story. When I was about 12 my Sister and Brother in Law had some friends. He was in medical school and she was working to support the family and his education. For years they were stone broke, and even coming over to my Sisters place for some pizza was a big deal for them. They were really suffering financially. Then he graduated from Med School, got a job as Physician and within a couple of years they bought a big home, had nice cars, and were financially set for life. Their whole life had changed.

Moral of all of that is, sometimes you have to suffer for a while before you get the things in life you really want. Over the years I had and sold a bunch of cars and projects I had, just to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table. I didn't really get my first hot rod until I was about 43, but it was so much sweeter then because of the wait. And now that I look back on it, some of the best times in my life were when my family didn't have two nickles to rub together. :)

You have to go with your best instincts and if this job looks like it might be better in the future for you, then do it. You will never know until you try. :)

Thanks for all the support guys. As far as the pay raise, he said he by no means plans on leaving the pay at 12. It is set there so he can spend a few weeks gauge my work ethics and learning speed. Also as I progress and learn new things they purchase me new equipment.

As they say "just my 2 cents". You might consider a part time job until the money gets better. I worked 2 jobs the first 11 years I was married. Just a suggestion.
I have always told my children to take the job that makes you happy. The money means nothing if you hate your job and you don't want to go in everyday. Nothing could be worse to me....cr
Trust me keeping my family fed wont be a issue. Its the luxery items likeprojects and such. If anything ill appreciate what have more.
...Take the opportunity Ive been waiting for my whole life...

I think that pretty much says it all.

My grandpa was a farmer and busted his ass but he said he loved his job and he never worked a day in his life.

Your Grandpa was a wise man.

My wife really wants me to get a job doing what I love.

There's nothing like the support of a good woman.

One of my biggest regrets in life is not following my dream to become a custom painter. I was young, fresh out of the Army with a wife and baby to support. I got locked into a good paying job that i hated. I lasted 6 years before i got hurt on the job and spent the next 8 years on pain pills and muscle relaxers feeling sorry for myself.

I always told my son and his friends "Follow your dreams. Don't wake up some morning, look into the mirror and realize you've spent the last forty years working at a job you hated."
Wellguys I got the job! Thanks for all your support. Everything seems to be falling in place latley. We will see if I can find a decent rat project soon.

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