Money, it's a funny thing.
When you have it, you're on top of the World. When you don't, makes everything that much more difficult.
I could sit here and tell you that things will get better, but it's YOU who has to right the ship. Kind of like, life hands you lemons, make lemonade kind of stuff.
I hit hard times a while back, had to sell off some really awesome, and really RARE chopper parts. Hated to do so, but needed to eat and a roof over my head. I could have found other means to get the cash, but when the chip are down, we kind of get tunnel vision. It's always darkest before dawn...
Now, that things are better for me, I go out to my shop and think back on all the cool stuff I had...that can't be replaced for any dollar amount. And that's a bummer.
So, I guess what I'm saying is: don't sell your stuff you've been working so hard on. Take a break, learn how to golf, whatever. Hot Rods are who you are, and there is no currency out there that can take that away from you.
Take some time off, and come back ready to kick some a$$ when the time is right.
Best of luck!