Been a while since I've updated. I've decided to go with the Jag rear and worry about changing the gear ratio later. So here is where I'm at.
Started making boxing plates for the rear of the frame. love doing everything by hand!!! "Santa, can I please have a plasma cutter this Xmas"???
So I have the boxing plates finished and will get them welded up soon. My welder buddy is bringing a better welder over to do the job.
Next, I measured the crap out of the Jag cage. Think I have all the measurements I will need for the new Xmember. Then I swiss cheesed the cage to give me a better look at everything. Also made some spacers to toss in place of the coilovers to sit the rear with the half shafts lever. The spacers have the holes drilled 11" center to center. This pretty much leveled the halfshafts.
Then I rolled the rear back under the truck. I need to get the wheels centered in the fenders and make my centerline. But what I found is I do not like the way the rear fenders mount. The front side of the fender sits lower than the rear from the factory. Since I lowered the bed itself, now the front of the fenders sit lower than the running boards. So I will have to change them, rotate them back to raise the front and lower the rear. Something I've yet to see on another Harvester ; )
In lowering the truck over the rear, ran into my first issue. The hub carriers sit right under the bed sides! So I had to notch the bedsides real quick to give me some room. I notched them as far as I could. The frame I made for the tilt bed sits right there as well. So I notched the bed sides up to the tilt frame to see where I'm at.
As you can see, not a lot of room for travel. No clue how far up the hub carriers move, guess I will have to pull one of the spacers and see. I might have to c notch the bed frame. If that will even help! it also raises the question of how on earth I'm gonna do some bump stops. I assume they need to make contact with the top of the hub carrier???