very cool man! cant wait to see it installed
Thanks man!
Made sense, and I was was thinking in the right direction - considering the soft/hard ride aspect.
How much lift do you think you'll get?
I should have about 7" of suspension travel.
That bag/shock set up looks great, looking forward to seeing it in the truck. [P
Thanks bud!
This is such a cool build. Everything seems thought out. Are you designing and programing the parts for the water jet? Let me guess? you have your own water jet.
Thanks dude!
I wish I had a water jet machine. I use a local shop. They have a $450,000 machine that goes up to 90,000 psi.
I have a master model of the car that I've made in Solidworks (CAD program). I add/change stuff in that model and then I make a .dxf file for the flat patterns so the water jetter could cut them for me.
Question on the placement of your differential, are you going to center the "pumpkin" for appearence or center the pinion? I like the 8.8 but they have quite an offset. With the back of your Rat open for all to see it will be noticable. Great looking work. I enjoy your updates.
The pumpkin will not be centered. The offset is about 2 3/8". Hopefully it wouldn't be too big of an eye sore. I actually would like to upgrade to a Winter's quick change rear axle at some point, but not anytime soon.
I got the front crossmember mounted. It ended up being a little bit more work than I had anticipated. Some stuff moved after welding, so I ended up having to elongate the mounting holes on one side. I should have had them water jetted with slots on one side and not round holes.
Anyways, the crossmember is in. I threw the airbags on and made a quick video. I still need to make some mock up push rods and cut off the front struts that I welded on. I have this thing rolling on its own in a few days!
I bolted everything together and clamped the assembly in place.
Removed the bags and tacked the frame brackets in place.
Close up view of the frame bracket. I made the crossmember a bolt-on design so I could change it down the road easily.
Unbolted the crossmembe and tacked on the airbag seats.
Everything bolted in place.
Oh, here's the carnage of the day, LOL.
And a little video of the airbags going up and down, LOL.
Thanks for looking!